Description of the pedagogical project and its objectives[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Our economic systems are at the end of their rope, this is now a consensus. Climate change, erosion of resources and degradation of natural capital, pollution, world inequalities, public debt, hunger, increasing demography, unemployment, socio psychological risk, ... are some of their visible limits. As Ellen MacArthur says, we need to reinvent the way we solve our need, the way we produce and consume our goods and services. For sure, our economy will change drastically in the next 20 years. And innovation will remain a keyword, by being more and more complemented by the need of innovating in a sustainable way.
Sustainable development is now strongly related to innovation. How can we reduce our environmental footprint in the way we design products and services? How can we manage the scarcity of resources? How can we design offers accessible for the poorest? How can we rely on business to solve some of the key principles of our world? How can we reinvent our operating system to solve the Humans needs? ... These questions are in front of us.
The present course plans to help you better understanding and connecting innovation with sustainable development. And rather than being theoretical, you will practice innovation in the real life. You will indeed need to invent something that does not exist, that is truly sustainable and that could help improve our world. Ready ... ?
We have decided to partner with a start-up - OSlantis - to put you in the real life. The concept of OSlantis is brilliant: if you have an idea, an unsolved problem or technological concept that you believe should exist and needs to be developed in Open Source, then you should submit your Idea to OSlantis, whether you are a company, group of people or just a person with really cool ideas.You can submit your project Idea. Then you can find the help of the Crowd to raise money for the Prize. If the campaign is successfully funded, people can submit their inventions or collaborate to help solve your challenge.Once the criteria of your challenge have been fulfilled and the solution is shared in Open Source, the funding will be distributed among the contributors and organizers.
You will have to do exactly this: provide an original and innovative idea to the OSlantis community and fund it by organizing and managing a crowdfunding campaign. If you campaign is a success, the OSlantis community will maybe really develop your idea, making it real and available for the world. If so, your team will get 10% of the money raised, which can quickly become a nice money pack if your project is ambitious?.
You will find in this wiki and on the OSlantis website all the explanation and resources you need to succeed in this venture. Moreover, a team of engaged and passionate teachers will be on your side to help you. For sure, it is a pedagogical project. But do not forget to have fun. We indeed strongly believe that learning by enjoying is not only possible, but highly desirable!
To guide you in your project, you may rely on the support of a team of passionated teachers. Each team will be more specifically supported by a referent teacher :
- Team 1 to 35 : Christophe Sempels (course manager) -
- Team 36 to 72 : Marie-Anne Bernasconi -
- Team 73 to 108 : Mélanie Ciussi -
- Team 109 to 145 : Dominique Vian -
Legend of the color :
Physical or Skype meeting
Feedback from teachers
Pay caution, many boxes of this agenda contain hyperlink.
Week 37
07/09 Kick-off class - Sophia-Antipolis
08/09 Kick-off class - Paris
09/09 Kick-off class - Lille
Working group composition (rules to compose a group)
Week 38
14/09 Publish the composition of your group on the "forming working group page"
15/09 Exploration of Oslantis website, the resources of the wiki + personal research and readings
16/09 Personal and team work to prepare the first assignment
17/09 Idem
18/09 Idem
Week 39
21/09 Idem
22/09 Idem
23/09 Idem
24/09 Idem
25/09 Idem
Week 40
28/09 Idem
29/09 Idem
30/09 Idem
01/10 Idem
02/10 Publication of the first assignment (resources use, first description of your proposed project and first expert identification)
Week 41
05/10 Compulsory meeting with your referent teacher (by prior appointment only - one slot per team on week 41)
06/10 Idem
07/10 Idem
08/10 Idem
09/10 Idem
Week 42
12/10 Finalisation of your project description (text only)
13/10 Finalisation of your project description (text only)
14/10 Publication of your project description on OSlantis (The title and your answers to the three questions potentially reviewed after the meeting with your referent teacher)
Week 43
19/10 Project description approval by your referent teacher and go/no go for your video and the full specification of the project. Teams with invalid project will be contacted by their referent teacher
20/10 Personal and team work to design the full project specifications based on the detailed campaign guide (end your research, prepare your pre-launch marketing campaign) - do not forget to contact the expert panel (email from the experts panel to assess the relevancy and accuracy of the call for money)
21/10 Idem
22/10 Idem
23/10 Idem
Week 44
26/10 Idem
27/10 Idem
28/10 Idem
29/10 Idem
30/10 Idem
Week 45
02/11 Idem
03/11 Idem
04/11 Idem
05/11 Idem
06/11 Idem
Week 46
09/11 Idem
10/11 Submit your final project specification on
11/11 Take a break... Have a drink :-)
12/11 Full Project approval by your referent teacher and go/no go to launch the crowdfunding campaign. Teams with invalid project will be contacted by their referent teacher and should improve it. All should finetune their crowdfunding campaign
13/11 Idem
Week 47
16/11 Idem
17/11 Idem
18/11 Launching of your crowdfunding campaign (Launching of your crowdfunding campaign
19/11 Follow-up of your crowdfunding campaign
20/11 Idem
Week 48
23/11 Idem
24/11 Idem
25/11 Idem
26/11 Idem
27/11 Idem
Week 49
30/11 Idem
01/12 Idem
02/12 Idem
03/12 Idem
04/12 Idem
Week 50
07/12 Idem
08/12 Idem
09/12 Idem
10/12 Idem
11/12 Idem
Week 51
14/12 Idem
15/12 Idem
16/12 Idem
17/12 Idem
18/12 Idem
Week 52
21/12 Closing of your crowdfunding campaign + on-line assessment of this course
The grade will be computed based on the following method:
- 30% for the first assignment
- 50% for the quality of the full project presentation on OSlantis
- 20% for the result of the crowdfunding campaign
- 0 if the campaign does not allow you to collect at least 50% of the amount of money requested
- 0 if the campaign has succeeded but you don't have the feedback email of the experts panel or you have raised an amount of money below the advise of the experts panel
- +2 if the campaign has failed but has reached 50% of its target, target that is equal or above the recommendation of the experts panel
- +4 if the campaign has succeeded and if the amount of money raised is equal or above the recommendation of the experts panel
What makes a first assignement a success?
- It should expose the root of a real problem and be in line with the specification rules.
- Properly document why this problem exists and demonstrate your ability to deeply understand the root of the problem you plan to address (be careful: avoid "academic" or "theoretical" language - do not forget that you must popularize your description, your grandmother should be able to understand it => be clear, focused and concise).
- It must be disruptively inventive (improve the status quo above a factor 10 or create a totally new approach to solve the problem)
What makes the full project presentation a success?
- Respect the above criteria
- Be appealing, properly market your idea (cfr. the Detailed Campaign Guide)
- Integrate the feedback of your experts panel
- And of course, no spelling mistake, ... Be professionnal !
The grade won't be published until we collect at least 80% of participation on the on-line assessment of this course.
Please read carefullly the rules of the game and ethical charter that will drive the expected behaviour and attitude for this course.