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How to edit and publish on this wiki?[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

If you are familiar with Wikipedia, you will feel in well known environment in this Wiki, as it is based on the same wiki engine as Wikipedia. You may therefore rely on all technical informations from Wikipedia as they are relevant for the present wiki.

First step: registration on the wiki To be allowed to edit and publish on the wiki, you need first to create an account. Click on the "Créer un compte/Create an account" hyperlink at the top right on the homepage and then follow the procedure. Do not forget your password as you will need it to connect to the wiki each time you will edit a page or publish an information.
To edit a page When you want to edit a page to publish information, you need to click on the "Modifier/Modify" button. The code becomes then available and you may modify what you want. Please note that each changes or actions are tracked and recorded on a wiki.

When you have finished, you just need to click on the "Publier/Publish" or "Enregistrer/Save" button to publish. If you have made a mistake, you simpky need to click on the "Lire/Read" button to go back to the page without publishing anything.

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