Rules of the game and ethical charter

De Movilab
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Working on a real project with a real startup and raising real money calls for appropriate attitudes and behaviors. We therefore expect from you to follow some rules:

  • Be professional. This project is not only a learning project. It may potentially have a real impact on the world. Professionalism is therefore the first and key attitude we are expecting from you
  • Meet the project deadlines, this is the first corollary of the previous bullet point
  • Encourage a positive and collaborative spirit within you project team. Alone, we go faster. But together, we go further.
  • Quote your references, avoid any hacking, respect the ownership of ideas and avoid plagiarism
  • Use this wiki as a professional and do not forget that every contribution on a wiki is tracked. By definition a wiki is a collaborative tool where anonymity does not exist
  • Be fair with your team mates regarding the workload of the project. We hate freeloaders

Homepage of the course

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Vous pensez que nous allons dans le bon sens ? Si vous en avez l'envie nous vous invitons à nous rejoindre ou à faire un don.