First assignment of group n° 124
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The name of the project is yet to be determined, but we will come to an agreement and post it soon, thanks for your comprehension.
1. What Problem do you want to solve ?
By achieving our project, we would like to solve the problem of accessibility to reniewable energies and technologies which are becoming a source of energy that cannot be ignored for the future.
2. Why does this problem exist?
Nowadays, one of the main issue that remains unsolved and underestimated is about environment, and particularly about the emergent countries’ economies that are about to polute more than industrialised ones. (Exemple : China is now the first poluter). But they refuse to change the way they consume and behave because, according to the history, we poluted first so as to develop our countries.
3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?
So, the main idea is to solve the problem of accessibility. Most of the emergent countries don’t have the ressources to buy reniewable energies or green technologies, or even to invest in R&D. This way, we could find materials and cheap stuff to create accessible technologies. Ex : the project of Windturbines with hood in Madagascar.
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