First assignment of group n° 123

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Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

chiche daniel
Mauri Salo
  • Video 1 : Arte - Crash Pétrolier
  • Video 2 : TED - Liberate Your Company
  • Video 3 : TED - How to fight poverty

Book : Shapiro, R. (2012), The Real Problem Solvers: Social Entrepreneurs in America, Stanford Business Books


  • Article 1 : Stanford Social Innovative Review - Green Giants : How Smart Companies Turn Sustainability Into Billion-Dollar Businesses
  • Article 2 : - Why have CFOs been slow to embrace sustainability?
  • Article 3 : - How To Really, Truly Integrate Sustainability In Your Business?
  • Article 4 : - Putting The Steve In Sustainability
  • Article 5 : Ellen MacArthur Foundation - Villa Welpeloo
Jean-Baptiste Plas
  • Video 1 : The circular economy
  • Video 2 : les barbares attaquent l'énergie
  • Video 3 : Le crash pétrolier

Book : People, Planet, Profit : How to Embrace Sustainability for Innovation and Business Growth


  • Article 1 : Colleges Around the Country Are About to Get Millions of Dollars Worth of Solar Power Equipment, Totally Free ; Good
  • Article 2 : A Team of South African Scientists May Have Just Bested Google in the Race for Cost Effective Solar Energy; Good
  • Article 3 : Make Giving to Charity as Easy as Typing a Hashtag; Good
  • Article 4 : Grandes écoles, universités: où se former au développement durable?; L'Express
  • Article 5 : You Won’t Believe How Many Pounds of Food We Waste Each Year; Good
Joséphine Bigo
  • Video 1 : The Circular Economy
  • Video 2 : A Third Way to Think about Aid
  • Video 3 : Social Experiments to Fight Poverty

Book : Le plaisir d'entreprendre, pour une entreprise humaine et innovante, Storaye Patrick


  • Article 1 : Ces salariés qui font progresser l'entreprise - express emploi
  • Article 2 : Devenir entrepreneur social sans quitter sa boite c'est possible - l'express emploi
  • Article 3 : Un airbnb des refugies pour preparer la société à recevoir - wedemain
  • Article 4 : Forget the dislike button, hère's how Facebook could make the internet better , magazine good
  • Article 5 : A Honolulu on transforme de vieux bus en logements pour SDF, Wedemain
Matthieu Nétillard
  • Video 1 : Dame Ellen MacArthur: The surprising thing I learned sailing solo around the world
  • Video 2 : Latitude Responsable Danone Communities - Projet Grameen Danone
  • Video 3 : Project ReDesign Renault Internship - The Future of Mobility

Book : Sustainable happiness: Live simply, live well, make a difference; Sarah Van Gelder


  • Article 1 : Votre thon en boîte est-il issu de la pêche durable ? Greenpeace a classé les marques; wedemain
  • Article 2 : Denmark’s New Eco-Friendly Waste-to-Energy Power Plant Will Feature a Giant Ski Slope on its Roof; Good
  • Article 3 : Sustainable Fashion Brand Is Saving The Earth, One Scarf At a Time
  • Article 4 : Pourquoi il faut manger autrement; Alternatives Economiques
  • Article 5 : Fabriquer sa bouteille d'eau avant de la manger; soonsoonsoon
Jean-Corentin Poisson
  • Video 1 : Les Barbares attaquent l'éducation
  • Video 2 : Arte, La nanotechnologie
  • Video 3 : Ted Talk, Liberate your company

Book : Récits d'innovation; COTA; Editions Couleurs livres


  • Article 1 : Au Rwanda, des drones pour acheminer des produits d'urgence; wedemain
  • Article 2 : Approvisionner son resto chez des fermiers locaux; soonsoonsoon
  • Article 3 : NASA Announces Evidence of Liquid Water on the Surface of Mars; Good
  • Article 4 : Remplacer le guide rien qu'en prenant des photos; soonsoonsoon
  • Article 5 : 17 signs Our World is already changing for the better; Good
Marie Sentous
  • Video 1 : TED Jackie Savitz "Save the oceans, feed the..."
  • Video 2 : LATITUDE RESPONSABLE "Clinton center earth day festival 2008"
  • Video 3 : BARBARES "Les barbares attaquent le Luxe"

Book : La troisième révolution industrielle


  • Article 1 : World's first smog filtering tower goes on tour, The Guardian
  • Article 2 : Cinéma : le crowdfunding au secours des auteurs indépendants, Le blog de la consommation collaborative
  • Article 3 : Bathtub booze and knock-off whisky: inside China's fake alcohol industry, The Guardian
  • Article 4 : Crise des réfugiés : le collaboratif contre-attaque !, Le blog de la consommation collaborative
  • Article 5 : From Oregon to Johannesburg, micro-hydro offers solution to drought hit cities, The Guardian
Lucie Annequin
  • Video 1 : Arte : prêt à jeter obsolescence programme
  • Video 2 : J'arrête le sucre
  • Video 3 : Les barbares attaquent le retail

Book : Vanhee L 2013 happy rh le bonheur au travail. Rentable et durable, édition la charte


  • Article 1 : s’endormir à la pause dej dans une capsule spatiale; soonsoonsoon
  • Article 3 : Le modafinil ce medicament anti-sommeil qui pourrait booster votre cerveau; wedemain
  • Article 4 : Et si votre baby-sitter devenait une appli; wedemain
  • Article 5 : A Roubaix l'opération Zéro Déchet fait ses preuves depuis bientôt un an; wedemain

Name of the project : Make it fair !

1. What Problem do you want to solve ? We want to find a solution to the lack of equality in the superior education

2. Why does this problem exist? This problem existsbBecause of social reproduction and of the financial differences between students

3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating? We think we should find ways to encourage people on making studies and ways to help students on financing their studies.

First description of our project[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

First description of our project's idea

1. What Problem do you want to solve ?
Education appears to be a key factor in the development at different scales, individual, national … But if we live in a country - France - where the access to superior education is quite easy, and in a certain measure fair, some points remain really problematic. There’s no perfect model when you speak about education, everybody knows that many aspects of everyday life accounts in the differences between individuals. Social reproduction is for example maybe the principle factor, and governments are managing to reduce it in order to give to people from different backgrounds the same chances, the same assets, but it seems to be impossible, court-term speaking, to find a solution to hundred years of social phenomenon and psychology. Then, we have chosen three other factors, more financial, which, in our opinion, are issues where things can be done to ameliorate the situation and the fairness in education.

Housing : if there are yet existing scholarships for students, residences (CROUS) which receive in France 15% of the students (cf. OVE), housing remain an important problem. For some families, it is impossible to assume a logement in some areas and it becomes then an obstacle in the access, or at least in the success in the different studies.

Students’ jobs : according a survey of 2013 made by the Organisation de la Vie Etudiante, 43,3% of the students are declaring having a job, and more than a half are assuming it in half-time or completely. It can be a decision (for the experience on a CV) or a necessity (need of money to finance their studies) but in both case, it is time which is not spent in their scholar work and this can also be considered as a factor of inequality as time is also a key factor in success.

Access to internships : Access to internships : internships as professional experiences are determining, maybe more than the formation itself, the perspective of carrier of the students, and is one domain where inequality is the most present : access to good internships is still a question of money, of relations…

2. Why does this problem exist?

The reasons of the inequalities in higher education are many and much diversified. However the main reason for all these inequalities remains the problem of finance. Whether it is for the access to internships, or for students housing or student jobs, financial means are always a problem. According to the UNEF, one third of the students are not financially supported by their parents, which is more than the number of beneficiaries of scholarships (one out of four). "This is one of the reasons why the reform of grants must be completed," says the president of the Fage. Students unions are demanding a system more expansive and amounts paid much bigger.

The inequalities are very important, especially for the internship. Depending on the different social environments, students do not have the same network, which implies not the same access to internships. People with relatives working in a high middle can found internships for their children easily. Moreover, according to their formation, students will not have the same access to internship, some formations have privileged network. For insteance, business school students benefit of the alumni network, while people in bachelor, that are following a similar training do not have this advantage.

Concerning the students jobs, all students don’t have the same financial means, thus some students are going to have to work in order to pay their studies. 13% of students have a parallel activity at least half-time or at least six months a year; 24% have a regular job (childcare, tutoring ...) and 9% have an integrated activity studies (such as internal doctors). 28,4% of students have to work during their studies, which significantly increase school failure. Finally, such as the students jobs and the internship, the main reason of the students housing is the money. But this finance problem also creates other problem. A house will be cheaper than another if it is farther from the center of town, so the cost of public transport will be bigger.

3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?

As we noticed, the problem of inequality in the superior education comes mostly from the social and financial differences between the students. In order to solve these problems, we will study the different points we listed.

Housing : the subject of housing is a big problem, moreover in big cities. One of the solutions would be to find a way to make owners aware of their responsabilities and to encourage them to rent their apartments cheaper to the students. To do it, we should find services against those reductions (services given by our company or by the students in the appartment)

Students’ job : It seems almost impossible to find a solution against students working to finance their studies. The breakthrough would be to make those job easier to conciliate with their class or even to make it a real complement of their studies.

Access to internship : In this case, the problem is to neutralize the disadvantage of some students because of their original social environment. To solve it, the easiest way would be to create a network for the concerned students. This network would be based on the networks of the students (they may have a network in an environment that doesn’t interest them but not in the one that concerns them) and on companies we would canvass in exchange of improving their image as responsible company.

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