First assignment of group n° 122

De Movilab
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Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Videos :

Book : Born On A Blue Day, Daniel Tammet

Documents :

  • My Mind is a Web Browser: How People with Autism Think, Mary Temple Grandin - Cerebrum, 2000, Winter Vol. 2, Number 1, pp. 14-22
  • Innovative Technologies for Autism: Critical Reflections on Digital Bubbles, Sarah Parsons, Nicola Yuil, Mark Brosnan, Judith Good - Journal of Assistive Technologies, Vol. 9 Iss: 2, pp.116 – 121
  • Tapping into Technical Talent: Using Technology to Facilitate Personal, Social, and Vocational Skills in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Marissa Lynn Diener, Cheryl A. Wright, Scott D. Wright, Laura Linnell Anderson
  • Using Technology to Support Social Competence (chapt. 16), Brenda Smith Myles, Amy Bixler Coffin, Jan Rogers, Wendy Szakacs, Theresa Earles-Vollrath - Recent Advances in Technologies to Support Children with Developmental Disorders
  • The Use of Technology in the Treatment of Autism, Kristie Brown Loftland - Technology and the Treatment of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Videos :

Book : Les techniques d'apprentissage du comportement verbal, M. Lynch Barbera, T. Rasmussen

Documents :

Mathilde UMUTONI
Videos :

Book : The Autistic Spectrum : A Guide for Parents and Professionals - Lorna Wing

Documents :

Marie-Agnès OPOKU
Videos :

Book : L’autisme & les troubles du développement psychologique, Pascal Lenoir, Joëlle Malvy, Chrystèle Bodier-Rethore

Documents :

Videos :

Book : Crowdfunding : Le financement participatif bouscule l’économie ! Pour libérer la créativité - Vincent Ricordeau

Documents :

Videos :

Book : Tirer bénéfice du don : Pour soi, pour la société, pour l'économie, Jean-Michel Cornu

Documents :

Videos :

Book : Carly’s voice : Breaking through autism, Arthur & Carly Fleischmann

Documents :

First description of our project[modifier | modifier le wikicode]


1. What Problem do you want to solve ?

Communication is an essential / basic need for Humans in our society. We use it to express ourselves but also to relate to others and adapt to our environment. But some people have altered communication skills which can make them even more ostracized.

We aim to help people suffering from autism spectrum disorders. It’s a category of disorders that are characterized by an alteration in the development of some cognitive functions resulting in impaired social skills and a lack of verbal and non-verbal communication skills.

How can technology allow these people access to a means of communication that would be adapted to their disability ?

2. Why does this problem exist ?

Communication begins before a person knows how to talk. In the first few months of life, babies show their interest in communicating by listening to the sound of the human voice, looking at people's faces, and then starting babbling games with their parents.

These exchanges of sounds and smiles between a baby and his parents are the baby's first proof of communication.

For children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, communication development happens differently and more slowly. Because of the sensory challenges associated with the disorder, children with autism might seem distracted or even seem not to hear what people say.

The lack of communication can lead to a distress and anxiety for the child and his family. The behavior of the child can be affected and he might get more aggressive or withdrawn.

Autism will obviously have an impact on the education and the learning needs of a kid. Some children will be able to adapt a classical education with a few adjustment, but most of them will need a new method and different learning programs to fit their unique situation.

It’s very important to emphasize the development of visual and spatial skills since individual with autism have most of the time superior performance on visual task and learn better by processing visual information.

3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?

  • We want to provide to the parents of a child on the autism spectrum, the right support to communicate and interact with their child.
  • We will provide with this technology methods and material that will fit the specific educational need of the children and help him improve his skills and unique talents.
  • The material should be provided in an easy and accessible format.
  • We will focus on the visual perception.
  • We will try to adapt to the singularity of every individual.
  • This technology should be based on open source information and feedback provided by the user.

Potential experts already identified

  • Pr Dominique Sauvage

"Spécialiste de psychiatrie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent, spécialiste de l’autisme"
CHU et Université François Rabelais de Tours
Likelihood : 10 / 10

  • Julie Tuil

Likelihood : 10 / 10

  • Alice Ingabire

"Chargée de projet et de promotion de la santé"
Likelihood : 10 / 10

  • Le Silence des Justes : Association
Likelihood : 10 / 10

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