First assignment of group n° 110

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Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Mikogami Anna
  • Video 1 : Les barbares attaquent le luxe
  • Video 2 : L'obsolescence programmée
  • Video 3 : Katja Hansen - Cradle to cradle in details

Book : Radjou, N. Prabhu, J., Ahuja, S. et Boillot, JJ (2013), Innovation Jugaad. Redevons ingénieux !, Editions Diateino


  • The Guardian Sustainable case = SC Johnson
  • Elle Mcarthur fondation website = Circular economy
  • Nesta website
  • What are the biggest pb in the world ?
  • Sustainability => Starbuck case studies
Riccoboni Léa
  • Video 1 : Jackie Savitz : Save the Ocean
  • Video 2 : Les Barbares attaquent le retail
  • Video 3 : Janine Benyus : Biomimicry in action

Book : Sempels, C. et Hoffmann, J. (2012), Les business models du futur : créer de la valeur dans un monde aux ressources limitées, Pearson France.


  • Rocky Mountain Insitute : Capturing the Primetime Opportunity
  • Conso Collaborative : Les CollaBelles
  • Ouishare : carnets de voyage collaboratifs
  • Sustainability : City States
  • Stanford Review : 3 strategies for achieving the new global development goals
Trou Martin
  • Video 1 : Les barbares attaquent l'éducation
  • Video 2 : Liberate your company
  • Video 3 : The surprising thing I learned...

Book : Manier B. (2012), Un million de révolutions tranquilles : travail, argent, habitat, santé, environnement, ... Comment les citoyens changent le monde, Editions Les Liens qui Libèrent


  • POC 21
  • World Business Council of Sustainable Development
  • Ouishare - Vers une économie open source : une nouvelle révolution industrielle
  • Ouishare - "Place à l'innovation monétaire !"
  • Takepart - Small farmers in Africa will experience the worst of climate change
Lafforgue Hadrien
  • Esther duflo - ted talk
  • Bunker Roy - Ted Talk
  • Arte - nanotechnologies

Book : Rifkin, J. (2011), La troisième révolution industrielle, Editions Les Liens qui Libèrent


  • Economie contributive
  • What are the biggest problem in the world ?
  • Guardian - sustainable business
  • World economic council of sustainable
Senechal Louis
  • Video 1 : Energy from floating
  • Video 2 : The circular economy
  • Video 3 : Les barbares attaquent l'agriculture

Book : Barthélémy, A. et Slitine, R. (2011), Entrepreneuriat social : innover au service de l'intérêt général, Editions Vuibert


  • L'économie contributive - Up inspirer - Eau goutte à goutte
  • L'économie contributive - Up inspirer - Comment monter son entreprise sociale ?
  • Take part - Taking Gray-Water Recycling From DIY to the Mainstream
Noel Julien
  • Video 1 : Jaqueline Novogratz; une troisième voie pour réfléchir à l’aide humanitaire
  • Video 2 : Project ReDesign Renault Internship
  • Video 3 : Les barbares attaquent l’énergie

Book : Benyus, J.M. (2011), Biomimétisme: Quand la nature inspire des innovations durables, Edition Rue de l'échiquier


  • The guardian - sustainable business
  • Shareable
  • The maker movement
  • Rocky mountain institute : how demand flexibility..
  • Stanford social innovation : a new lens for disaster
Lunel Hugo
  • Video 1 : Arte: L’architecture climatique
  • Video 2 : Les barbares attaquent l’éducation
  • Video 3 : The circular economy

Book : Novogratz J. (20), The Blue Sweater, Bridging the Gap between Rich and Poor in an Interconnected World, Rodale


  • Incredible edible blog
  • Ellen mcarthur foundation
  • Digital lumens case study
  • The rocky mountain institute
  • Blog partie: Transportation et “spark”

First description of our project[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

First description of our project's idea
Provide a proposition of title for your project

Please answer to the three expected questions:

1. What Problem do you want to solve ?
Although many attempts of awareness campaigns about non-renewable energy waste have been done the problem still remains. We consume too much energy. On the 22nd of August, we had already burned out the entire natural resources that the Earth can provide in a year. We need to find alternative ways to fight against this issue which will be one of the most preoccupying matter for the next generations. And that starts by being more reasonable and aware in our everyday life. Given that only 20% of the world’s population has access to 80% of all natural resources, we believe that we really need to change mentalities by “educating” people. Indeed it is impossible to live without those resources, as they are necessary for us to live. But finding a balance between living properly without disrespecting the environment should be our focus for now. In brief, the major problem that we want to tackle is the fact that there is no way for people and businesses to evaluate instant consumption of energy.

2. Why does this problem exist?
In the first place, this problem is majorly due to the population growth. In a second place, the increasing urbanization and the rising living standards in developing countries intensifies the energy waste. Middle classes are growing at a higher rate than the world average. Indeed more and more people have the financial means to access new resources that are energy intensive. Just as the western countries frenzied in the late 20th centuries in a context of mass consumption without any awareness about environmental issues; the emerging countries are unfortunately following the same path. They are adopting the high-energy consumption lifestyles even though the global trend is trying to reduce consumption AND produce eco-friendly energy. Moreover, the use of new technologies also causes an increase of the energy consumption.

3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?
Our ultimate goal is to raise awareness and give more power when it comes to energy management among the general population as well as businesses. Ideally, our plan will considerably reduce the average consumption of energy in the population. As of now, people have no way to keep track and reduce effectively their consumption apart from checking their bill every month. What we want to do is allow more transparency and to give more power to anyone who uses energy. Our breakthrough would address 3 issues: 1. To allow people and businesses to know how much energy they consume at home as electricity or water. 2. To raise awareness by converting the amount of energy used (liters/Kh) into a precise amount of money 3. To introduce an eco-friendly and easy way to change people’s behavior of consumption by themselves to make them feel implicated in the reduction of renewable energy.

Potential experts already identified
Please mention the potential experts (name, affiliation, likelihood to convince him/her to join the final panel)

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