First assignment of group n° 100

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Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]


(The Bamboo Micro-House prototype for shelter Hong Kong's homeless)

(Bamboo House: How Bamboo Homes Are The Green Building Solution)

(Homeless refugees in Paris)

United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, 2000; Strategies to combat homelessness; United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)


Bamboo Micro House proposed to shelter Hong Kong's homeless

The $300 House: The Sustainability Challenge

Beautiful Bamboo Living Houses Take Two Days to Build

Bamboo Engineered House

Prefabricated bamboo homes – a sustainable packaged dwelling with a 20-year warranty, made to order in two days


(Refugee crisis: Temporary housing Business)

(Jordan: Syrian refugees’ housing crisis)

(Migrant crisis: The facts, BBC News)

Book : "Building with Bamboo: Design and Technology of a Sustainable Architecture", Gernot Minke


(The global refugee crisis)

(France faces emergency housing shortage as it prepares for refugee influx)

(European leftists want to seize homes to house Muslims migrants)

(Homelessness and refugee reception centers in Greece)


(Bamboo Living: Two Green Bamboo Homes Up In Two Days)

(Building With Bamboo: Why Bamboo Homes Are Eco-Friendly)

(Syrian Refugees Facing Harsh Living Conditions on Greek Island)

Book : "Prefab Green", By Michelle Kaufmann, Catherine Remick


(Dutch refugee centres overflowing as housing supply dries up)

(Quick facts: What you need to know about the Syria crisis)

(Syrian refugee crisis: why has it become so bad?)

(Greece's only refugee camp Eleonas camp in central Athens shelters mostly Afghans whose papers are processed slower than those of Syrians)

(The UNHCR is sending 300 prefabricated houses for refugees in Hungary) – which is not enough


The Refugee Crisis in Europe: Q&A with Demetrios Papademetriou

Magical houses, made of bamboo

Turkish refugee camps for Syrians set high standard

Book :
Bamboo : The Plant and its Uses, Liese Walter and Köhl Michael.


Refugees: Risks and Challenges Worldwide

Environmental Impact of Guadua Bamboo

As White House caps refugee arrivals at 85,000, IRC renews call to U.S. to resettle 100,000 Syrians in 2016

Building with Bamboo: 13 Super Sustainable Structures

EU pledges aid for Syrian refugees


(“Yucabam Bamboo Charcoal”)

(TEDxUOttawa - Beyond Environmental Refuge: Robert McLeman)

(Why Bamboo Homes are Eco-Friendly)

Book :
“Beyond Charity: International Cooperation and the Global Refugee Crisis”, published August 1996, by Loescher, Gilburt D.


(International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management - “Ecological Implications of village bamboo as global climate change mitigation strategy” - sink of CO2 emissions.)

(Housing and Society, Volume 20, Number 2, 1993 - “Bamboo Housing in Costa Rica:An Analysis of a Pilot Housing Program”)

“Examining the Syrian refugee crisis: Hearing before the Subcommitee on the Middle East and North Africa of the Commite on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives one hundred thirteenth Congress”

“Environmental Migrants and Canada's Refugee Policy”, by Sheila Murray

“Environmental aspects of internal migration in Tanzania”


Affordable and portable bamboo nipa housing in the Philippines for the beach, jungle, or backyard

Our bamboo house in the Philippines and how we made it in 16 days

Como fazer cerca de bambu

Book :
"Building with bamboo: A handbook" (1995), Jules J.A. Janssen


Maison écologique pas chère

Top 10 des maisons transportables

Maison bambou

Installation rapide maison préfabriquée bambou

Why bamboo?


(The European Refugee Crisis and Syria Explained)

(Affordable and portable bamboo nipa housing in the Philippines for the beach, jungle, or backyard)

(La crise du logement expliqué en 4 minutes"

Book :
"The Complete Guide to Alternative Home Building Materials & Methods", Jon Nunan


(Les maisons écologiques en bambou de Elora Hardy)

(La maison en bambou, solution constructive d'avenir?)

(Le bambou entre désormais dans les constructions)

(La quête de logements pour les réfugiés syriens a commencé)

(Mal logement : Le nombre de SDF a augmenté de 50% en 3 ans)

First description of our project[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

First description of our project's idea

Refugees: solving the sheltering problem

1. What Problem do you want to solve ?
We want to solve the refugee sheltering problem.

2. Why does this problem exist?
This problem has arisen due to the war conditions (precisely in Syria as a result of the severe political regime) which has caused an influx of refugees. This reality has been brought to light more than before since a lot of people are left homeless.

3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?
We aim to provide a solution for this problem by using sustainable resources to compose housing and hopefully achieve economies of scale through our model.

Potential experts already identified
Name: Elora Hardy
Affiliation: Quit her successful career in NYC to build bamboo houses in Indenosia.
Likelihood to convince him/her to join the final panel: Unknown as she is someone external from our group and we do not know her personally.

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