First assignment of group n° 094

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Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Robin Gimenez

Book : Papier a travers les ages du premier age au recyclage, Gérard Bertolini (1999)

Chloé Dumas

Book : Green Living - Paper Recycling: Ways to Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle your Paper Piles (English Edition), Lisa Shea

Blandine Ruppé

Book : WASTES 2015 - Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities: Selected papers from the 3rd Edition of the International Conference on Wastes: Solution..., Candida Vilarinho, Fernando Castro

Pauline Rauzy

Book : Le papier en crise ?, Gérard Bertolini

Pauline Schieven

Book : Environmental Impacts of Waste Paper Recycling, Yrjo Virtanen, 1993

Coralie Dabiens

Book : Les déchets : Collecte, traitement, tri, recyclage (Environnement), Tristan Turlan

First description of our project[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

First description of our project's idea

1. What Problem do you want to solve ?

We are interested in improving the recycling of papers at a human level. Big companies and industries have more obligation and way to deal with recycling centrals. Indeed, companies can benefit from subsidies or penalties from the state concerning recycle. But as for individuals, they are less informed and committed in recycling, because it seems that recycling systems are not really efficient, there is a lack of willingness, motivation and commitment even if the awareness is growing everyday.

2. Why does this problem exist?

Nowadays, France produces 10,9 billion of tons of paper per year and the annual paper consumption is about 167,2 kg per habitant per year. However, the half of the paper is not collected to recycle. Only 5% of paper bought are recycled. This phenomenon is a big ecological problem, for economy, employment and environment. Collecting and paper sorting allow the creation of different type of material without using blank paper. Which allows to avoid the use of chemical products and deforestation. Paper industry contributes to deforestation even if this industry makes some efforts labelling paper 10% of paper used in France have bad origins with irreversible effects on environment due to the use of water, energy consumption, solid and liquid waste, CO2 emission. This problem exists in all homes and companies of developed countries because recycling habits are not really present in people manners or selective sorting is incorrectly done. So according to the article of “Le Monde”, the investigation led by Ipsos for Eco-emballages shown the following figures: younger people are less willing to sort paper, except the active unmarried with 43% of them. High school students, students, couples without kids and young parents are the category whose are less involved in the paper sorting (between 32% and 37% of them have a role in the paper sorting). Unlike older people, they are more willing to sort paper at home: 44% of parents with kids, 49% of retired person, 50% of parents without kids at home anymore and 51% of retired single used to sort paper at home. Only two of all these categories reach 50% of people which sort paper everyday, which is very low because at most one out of two person used to sort paper daily. Our goal is to reach people’s habits and change them concerning the sorting and paper recycling.

3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?

We want to establish a system, a process, or a machinery that enable every one to earn money (even very small amount) while recycling or facilitating the work of recycling central. There are existing solutions to recycle paper, as everyone knows the paper sorting which lead to the recycling. Indeed, the sorting may be done in every houses and companies to foster the recycling, but most of the time, people don’t do it well, or not at all. However, these existing solutions could be improved thanks to some efforts from people but also thanks to new ideas which could change people’s mind and habits. Overall, a concept which motivate people to sort paper, by money for instance, would be a good solution to spread this trend.

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