First assignment of group n° 088

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Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Addepallisanath Amruth Kumar

Book : Waste : Uncovering the Global Food Scandal


Levy Sarah

Book : Sustainability, Robinson Zoé, Marshall Cavendish Editions, 2012 :


Mercier Maxime

Book : Barthélémy, A. et Slitine, R. (2011), Entrepreneuriat social : innover au service  de l'intérêt général, Editions Vuibert


Gama Kevin

Book : Growing Greener Cities: Urban Sustainability in the Twenty-First Century By Eugenie L. Birch, Susan M. Wachter


  • Article 1 Growing Greener Cities: Urban Sustainability in the Twenty-First Century

By Eugenie L. Birch, Susan M. Wachter

Filippidis David

Book : - 8 leçons d’histoire Economique – Jean-Marc Roche


  • Article 1 Engine detonation with bioethanol cavitation – Globe Core Blending by Jay Purglo (08/05/2015)
  • Article 2 Malgré de nets progrès, 795 millions de personnes souffrent de la faim dans le monde – Journal Le Monde par Rémis Barroux le 27/05/2015
  • Article 3 L’inexorable déclin du nucléaire face aux energies renouvelables – Le Figaro par Antoine Sillières (22/07/2015)
  • Article 4 Food waste harms climate, water, land and biodiversity – food and agriculture organization
  • Article 5 Promouvoir le développement durable – Nations Unies
Pai Anushri

Book : ENVIRONMENTAL INDICATORS: A Systematic Approach to Measuring and Reporting on Environmental Policy Performance in the Context of Sustainable Development


Wei Hanuy

Book : Social Class and Satisfaction - Peter Saunders

First description of our project[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

First description of our project's idea

1. What Problem do you want to solve ?
One of the biggest issue in the world, if not the biggest, is hunger and food waste. One third of all food produced are wasted while 30% of the world population is not able to get proper meals and about 800 millions of people suffer from not being able to eat as needed to live an healthy active live, while in the meantime 1.3 billion tons are thrown away. But the abomination of food wastage goes beyond that: so much water, lands, energy, forests, and pollution, used to grow a plant that will finally go straight to the bin, and that could have been used for other purposes. So it is emergency that we should look for a solution to this problem to offer the information about the wasted food so that people who needed them can have opportunity to get. Here are some further statistics from the World Food Programme :

- Some 795 million people in the world do not have enough food to lead a healthy active life. That's about one in nine people on earth.
- The vast majority of the world's hungry people live in developing countries, where 13.5 percent of the population is undernourished.
- Asia is the continent with the most hungry people - two thirds of the total. The percentage in southern Asia has fallen in recent years but in western Asia it has increased slightly.
- Sub-Saharan Africa is the region with the highest prevalence (percentage of population) of hunger. One person in four there is undernourished.
- Poor nutrition causes nearly half (45%) of deaths in children under five - 3.1 million children each year.
- One out of six children -- roughly 100 million -- in developing countries is underweight.
- One in four of the world's children are stunted. In developing countries the proportion can rise to one in three.
- If women farmers had the same access to resources as men, the number of hungry in the world could be reduced by up to 150 million.
- 66 million primary school-age children attend classes hungry across the developing world, with 23 million in Africa alone.
- WFP calculates that US$3.2 billion is needed per year to reach all 66 million hungry school-age children.

2. Why does this problem exist?

From the crop to the plate, through all the different layers of commercialization and distribution, food is wasted. A part of the primal production (40%) will be thrown away because not matching the grocer’s requirements. The same grocer will throw the “unsolds”, because not corresponding to the demand, or the consumer’s expectation. The same consumer, that will throw to the bin rotten, or cooked food, that is simply too much for him. People don’t know the importance of food. They buy food than their capacity. The major contributors are The USA, China, India, and many other countries. A recent survey revealed that the major waste occurs in the hotel industries, households and also in the entertainment industry. There is not enough Reduces, Reuse and Recycle. The fact that nobody receive anything in return on their good deeds regarding wasting and feel so powerless alone is a barrier to the fight against food waste and hunger. Also we are not facing enough the reality and are too used by our comfort, we need to be part of a group regarding this subject to have a kind reminder of the fact that lots of people are not enjoying our pleasant position. Though only one fourth of all food waste would be enough to eradicate the hunger in the world, it seems that a lack of communication and contact between suppliers and receptors is the reason of non-efficiency ways to share the information about left food.

3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?

Aware that this problem can only be solved by finding solutions at its different scales, (multinational, national, local), we are committed to create a “tool” that will put in relation final consumers with food leftovers with others in need, those who can’t afford buying it. The idea is to make people and organizations (such as Hotels, restaurants, etc.) feel important and engage toward the big issue of food waste and hunger. For this people need to see a direct effect and have a visual on what they do, propose them an actor role, be active in this fight. People would also get rewards on the side of the personal satisfaction of helping others. So the bests quality and the bests quantity provider could be rewarded if private or recognized if organization, it would give the chance to providers to feel important, helpful, and part of the ecological and social improvement of life and environment. This is our commitment toward this project :

- We committed to offer the information what kind of left food needed or provided. - There will be location information. people can find the nearest way to get there. - To encourage people to provide the left food, suppliers who provides food many times and of good quality will be rewarded and gain recognition. - Try to gather information of suppliers and receptors, so there will not be safe problem for both sides. - People can discuss in a way where and when they meet if both sides are available.

- Scouts et Guides de France, Lille Flandres

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