First assignment of group n° 065

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Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

LI Linjun

Book : Analyze of traffic jam and examples by Zhou Weiwu


Noémie Le Brun

Book : Métropoles des Amériques en mutation by C. Vainer


  • "Supplementary submission on Parking Policy and Related Issues”, it is a report from the indian government about parking issues
  • Traffic problems---newspaper Pakistantoday
  • Big Cities need smart parking--- Mary Jander
  • EU to ban cars from cities by 2050--- Telegraph uk
  • Parking Management: Innovative Solutions To Vehicle Parking Problems---Todd Litman
Quentin Moreaux

Book : Le Stationement Intelligent---Certu & CETE (



Book : Urban intelligent traffic systematic technology and some example written by Xiaoxia Wang


  • The Solution to the Parking Problem is...more parking--- Pete R. Hunt
  • Advanced technology of data collection and fusion--- Chongming He
  • Parking Management: Innovative Solutions To Vehicle Parking Problems--- Donald Shoup
  • Sensors will help motorists find free parking space--- David Millward, Transport Editor
  • Britain's parking problem--- Erin Baker

Book : Urban Transport XX written by C.A. Brebbia (


LI Yiyi

Book : E-parking: How to manage and operate parking in the city under the time of IOT written by Xiaobo Sun, Yulong Wu, Bin Cheng


Pauline Petitcolin

Book : Les Métiers de la ville de demain written by Scouarnec and Aline---a futurist conception of the tomorrow city


First description of our project[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

First description of our project's idea
Provide a proposition of title for your project


Please answer to the three expected questions:
1. What Problem do you want to solve ?

Wherever you go, parking spaces are the first thing you see when you arrive, and the last thing you see when you leave a place. It is also one of the first concern of big cities, and a main source of congestion, pollution, and waisting of time.

95% of a car lifetime is spent parked, and the time we spent looking for a place is a creating traffic jam, polluting and being stressed.

The fact is that no city in the world has the infrastructures and organization to face this issue. Neither the cities in developped countries, nor in the developping one. Worldwide, people are living the same experience.

Indeed, some isolated solutions have been implemented, but no global one. That is our point.

2. Why does this problem exist?

Recent years, the number of cars have exposed. For an example of Beijing, the number of cars increased to 4.69 billion from 2.58 billion during 2005-2010. Big cities are facing the same problem of street parking difficulties.

Still the example of Beijing. Until 2014, within the 3nd ring road area, the rate of parking place per person is up to 0.3, and that street-parking number is up to 49434, people still complain about difficult to find a place to park.

The reason why finding a parking place is so difficult due to the cars outside their private parking place. People need to drive cars out in the morning for working or school, and they still need place to park their cars not far from their destination.

We do have street-parking and public commercial parking for drivers, but we still feel too hard to find a place to park when we need to. The main reasons are:

   1. There is not enough street-parking closed to office, school, shopping center etc.
   2. The more crowded the area is the more expensive the public parking, so people rely more on street-parking.
   3. Cars spend more time in parking than on the road, which leads to a low liquidity of cars in temporal parking.
   4. Private parking is unused while owners dive out.
   5. Information about unused parking is deficient.

What’s more, when drivers are looking for a place to park, they need to slow down. This action leads to more oil consumption and more pollution due to the high power rate of engine in downshift status.

3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?

To resolve car parking issues, we are committed to create a service which tackles these 4 major problems:

   1. Lack of street-parking in downtown
   2. Low utilization rate of private parking
   3. High price of public parking in downtown
   4. Congestion due to time wasted on looking for parking places along narrow street, as well as pollution from low speed driving.

The main request for the service are:

   1. The solution has to be easy for drivers, quick and not expensive. 
   2. It needs to increase the temporary utilization of private parking. 
   3. It will bring price reduction of public parking as well as less needs for street-parking.

And something else:

   1. Neither A solution of using more land resources on parking construction, nor planning more street-parking places.
   2. Feasible, economic, environmental and legal
   3. The solution has to be as easy as possible for users

Potential experts already identified
Please mention the potential experts (name, affiliation, likelihood to convince him/her to join the final panel)

To find an innovative and sustainable solution to the car parking issue, we might be able to contact few experts of this subject.

For example:

Mr Eran Ben-Joseph, who wrote book called "rethinking a lot : the design and culture of parking"

Ying Ma, Deputy director of SASAC Yunnan (State-owned assets super vision and administration commission of Yunnan provincial people's government) This expert is in charge of street-parking planning and supervising in Yunnan province, China

Hu Gao, Deputy director of National Development and Reform Commission This expert is in charge of sustainable development and environment in Yunnan province, China

Furthermore we could get in touch with several cities halls (Paris, New-York, Honk-Kong ...) in order to appreciate which are all the problems they face about car parking.

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