First assignment of group n° 043
Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
First description of our project[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
First description of our project's idea
Waste and ecological issues
Please answer to the three expected questions:
1. What Problem do you want to solve ?
Nowadays, nearly everything has a wrapping: food, clothes, drinks or also domestic products. All these wrappings are thrown for some of them in the bin, but for many of them in the environment (streets, roads, lakes, oceans). These wrappings are also a huge cause of food waste because they often contain a huge quantity, which is thrown away because of their expiration date. Beyond this food waste due to wrappings, we also noticed that medicines were also concerned by this issue and even that some medicines that are thrown away are still useful. All These trashes harm the environment, cause pollution and waste and, economically, there’s also a heavy loss of money.
2. Why does this problem exist?
All these wrappings found on the nature are often linked to overconsumption, which creates lots of waste. Indeed, pharmaceutical and food industries sell their products in a wrapping that contains more quantity than needed. Then, consumers throw it away because it has reached the expiration date.
Regarding the medicines, we can find the same issue, but with different reasons: indeed, doctors use to prescribe too much medicines than needed, then the patients don’t use totally these medicines. On the opposite side, patients ask for medicines they want but don’t really need, and won’t use. The medicine waste represents approximatively 7 billion of euros every years. It also represent 200 billion of medicine package that are thrown away and still consumable.
3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating? For our project, we decided to focus on the medicine aspect of waste in consumption. That is, we want to raise funds in order to find a solution that will reduce useless consumption, reduce as much as possible waste and environmental damages. We would like to rethink the wrappings of medicine, as well as the quantity delivered to the patients by the drugstore and the doctors, by extension.
Potential experts already identified
Anne Le Gall
Frédérique Willard
Association CYCLAMED
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