First assignment of group n° 027
Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
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First description of our project[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
First description of our project's idea
Provide a proposition of title for your project
Please answer to the three expected questions:
1. What Problem do you want to solve ?
How to deal with employees suffering from psychosocial risks since the rise of new technology in their work-life in the late 90s ?
2. Why does this problem exist?
This problem exists because technological breakthroughs are seen by managers as a gain in productivity. However studies have shown that it is actually the contrary. Indeed the French newspaper Le Monde has revealed that 25 to 50% of mails are useless. Moreover the internationalization of trade has increased the use of technologies. Therefore the border between our private and our professional life becomes more and more blurred.
3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?
The purpose of our work is to diminish our work’s dependence on technology. In order to lower the pressure of workers and increase their productivity.
Potential experts already identified
Please mention the potential experts (name, affiliation, likelihood to convince him/her to join the final panel)
Stéphanie CHASSERIO, Ph.D. [36] Associate Professor Management, Law & Organization SKEMA Business School
Pôle santé médecine du travail