First assignment of group n° 019

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Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Bérangère Sintes

Book : Radjou, N. Prabhu, J., Ahuja, S. et Boillot, JJ (2013), Innovation Jugaad. Redevons ingénieux ! , Editions Diateino


Quitterie Lahure

Book : Book: “Les Voyageurs de l’eau” Nicolas Hulot: this book deals with the water all around the world and mainly about 51 waters management problems.


Hongyuan Zhang

Book : Christopher J Barrow. Environmental Management For Sustainable Development. London: Routledge, 2006. Print.


Aymeric Carpentier

Book : Shapiro, R. (2012), The Real Problem Solvers: Social Entrepreneurs in America, Stanford Business Books

Dmitry Pupkov

Book : * River Pollution: An Ecological Perspective, John Wiley & Sons Ltd (Import) (November 1994)


Katsiaryna Pankratava

Book : 1. The Age of Sustainable Development, Jeffrey D. Sachs, Columbia University Press, 2015

David Fournier

Book : River Pollution: An Ecological Perspective, S.M. HASLAM


First description of our project[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

First description of our project's idea
Provide a proposition of title for your project

Please answer to the three expected questions:
1. What Problem do you want to solve ?
Since the development of industry in the 19’s, first signs of pollution have been observed. Agriculture and Industry are responsible of the river pollution. Domestic pollution is less important than industry and agriculture pollution. The water pollution is responsible for over 14,000 people’s death per day (diseases, lack of drinking water…) and it also the biggest reason for destructs natural ecosystems. If the situation keeps this way, all the water will be polluted. Having clean water will become a privilege. We have to find alternatives to this issue and find a way to make the river clean, in order to contribute to preserve ecosystem. Then, we will focus on the river pollution of big cities.

2. Why does this problem exist?
The main reason that cause the water pollution, is the development of economy and improvement of the society. The problem of water pollution is much older then most people realize. Major proportion of water pollution problem has existed since the end World War II, as all industries began growing significantly. These industries began manufacturing and using synthetic materials (plastic and inorganic pesticides) that were poured into river water. With the development of economy, the need of product is increasing madly. For producing more goods, unsustainable resources have been exploit rapidly. Mental, colliery, oil, and etc. During the mining process of these resources, the amount of pollution has been created largely. Not only for the air but also the pollution to the river. Heavy mental elements knowing as the deadliest elements to human being, when the water get polluted with it, and the plants which are irrigated by that water will have the heavy mental elements inside the plants. The famous case is the minamata disease, in 1953, Japan has found the people in Minamata area have this weird disease that people lost the ability of moving and in the end they will be in extremely pain, screaming and than dead. Found out in the river, the amount of mercury is 300 times more than the normal amount. The mercury went everywhere with the water, seafood, crops, even underground water. That's main reason coursed the Minamata disease. Moreover, growing population in megacities has lead to a large number of fecal bacteria from sewage discharges in river water. This bacterium is a main cause intestinal infection, dysentery, hepatitis, cholera, and other illnesses. The improvement of society needs, the improvement of productivity forces as well, to increase the productivity forces, oil and colliery has been found extremely effective. But during the mining process of these resources will pollute the water, and after, using these resources to produce products, will cause the second degree pollution. Take an example of Shangxi region in China. Shangxi had clean water and air before, in the 80's the Chinese government found the huge amount of colliery inside those mountain, the mining process has not yet stop. Nowadays in Shangxi, there only mountains without plants, rivers are black, and the worst is human's snivel is black as well. Additionally, waters ship emissions remain one of the least regulated parts of global transportation system. As large rivers host a significant number of ships, yachts, the fuel used in those is waste oil. It may change not only ecosystem, but also affect human health at all.

3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?

For our project we set few objectives that are going to help us to evaluate all the solutions submitted.

We are committed to create a solution that would deal with 3 problems: • First of all, we would like to collect floating garbage like plastic bottles, plastic bags and etc. • Secondly, we would like to clean the bottom of the rivers from decomposing objects. • Our last objective is to filter the water to collect microscopic pollution (bacteria like Escherichia coli). This microscopic pollution is the most tenacious pollution causing skin problems and many infections. Even if we have indicated three objectives we are going to focus more on the first two in our evaluation process. If a decent solution is found, it will be possible to implement it in different urban areas of the world.

Potential experts already identified
Please mention the potential experts (name, affiliation, likelihood to convince him/her to join the final panel)
- Nicolas Hulot because he wrote Les voyageurs de l’eau and he is a famous person who works on this issue for many years. It could be our second face for the campaign.
- Maurice Ouzoulias, president of the SIAAP (service public de l'assainissement francilien).

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