First assignment of group n°053
Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
First description of our project[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
First description of our project's idea
We cannot perfectly measure the number disabled people in the whole world because countries have their own criteria. However, the United Nations evaluates this figure at 10% of the population, which represent 650 million of people.
The World Health Organization and the World Bank merged to produce the first global report on disabilities: “ World Report On Disabilities” to influence positively governments to make some changes and advances. We will mainly focuse on the chapter “Enabling environment”.
Accessibility to public places for disabled represent a real issue. Several countries trying to fix this problem, others like France delay the application of political reforms. How can we improve disabled people in their everyday life ? Why all shops, restaurants, streets institution buildings and transportation are not yet fully equipped ?
1. What Problem do you want to solve ?
We want to facilitate the accessibility for disabled people to public spaces and transportation. These people deserve to be independent and treated equally. The main goal here is to collapse barriers, fight against exclusion and make Human Rights to be respected.
2. Why does this problem exist?
This social issue exists because governments were not enough involved. This lack of interest has consequences on people's daily life. Once laws were voted, the applications were not as efficient as predicted maybe because of the lack of control on facilities. In addition, constructions and buildings rehabilitation that meet disabled accessibily requirements represent an added cost.
3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?
We would like to create a website and an application that lists all the public places and transportation that respect the norms of accessibility. This app will also allow people to rapidly find the elevator or the access ramp in a big stores for instance. In addition, the website/app users could give grade to establishment in relation with their facilities.
Potential experts already identified
Associations :
- Collectif Handicap & Accessibilité pour Tous :
- Association Mobilité Réduite
- APAVE…/accessibilite-des-personnes-handicap…
Experts :
- Centre National de l'Expertise…/accessibilite-handicapes-erp/
- Omega'
Likelihood : 7/10