Video from n° 142
Welcome to the webpage of group 142[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
The topic we have decided to explore is the following :
We have noticed that nowadays we live in a more and more individualist world. People face lack of social link, and the notion of share and solidarity. As a result some people struggle to manage their problem and other simply forget to be happy. Even people of goodwill haven’t the occasions or means to fix it. What we want to do is to try to intervene on the daily crumbling happiness… (Pay It Forward) Our idea takes root after having seen this movie. Here is the trailer.
Our video[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Our paper[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
At the beginning of the project we first wanted to help people by using new ways, new tools and the talent our generation developed especially what we learned being Web Native.
To do so we thought, we searched and we found that a new way to help people in the past years was the creation of movement like Smartnomination coming from Bordeaux it was at the beginning a reaction to a “stupid” challenge named Neknomination, the smartnomination concept was at the beginning to make a good action toward a homeless people (give food, money or whatever that could help) then the concept evolved to make any good action and nominate friends to do it too.
The idea was to combine this concept with a website structure, use all the tools internet gave us:
- Video
- Connectivity
- Share
To do so we decided to create a platform named “Care and Share” the concept is as simple as efficient:
Give money so someone use his time to make it a good action.
It give the donator that may not have the time but have the will to see the end of his will.
We interviewed two association member to talk about the project :
Interview of Gerard Lejeune communication and development manager for the association “Les petits frères des pauvres “that fight the isolation of the older since 1946
About the individualism problem nowadays there are several factors:
- The new socio-economics model that separate family and create a new geographic model to that don’t allow family to be as close as they were in the past
- The new communication tool that make the world faster and leave for example elder or modest people behind, because they are not able to connect.
About our project mister Lejeune told us that his association is already working on a platforme that allow people to share their good will and to create movement about the problem of individualism and isolation of the older people.
Therefore this project might be interesting
Interview of CCFD-Terre Solidaire vice-president:
Which is interesting in your is that it fight a real problem nowadays, which is the amount of bad, difficult and sad information in the media so it is interesting to show the “good side” to create solidarity and to share it with other people.
This encourage people to launch themselves by watching other people doing so and enjoying it.