Video from group n° 141

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Welcome to the webpage of group 141[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

The topic we have decided to explore is the following :
In France, streets, forests and beaches are very polluted by cigarette butts. In general, this kind of wastes takes between 1 to 2 years to biodegrade and are often eaten by animals such as fishes, birds and rabbits that die because of it. Despite sensibilization campaigns, smokers keep throwing cigarette butts on the ground. We decided to analyse what's in smokers mind and to find an efficient way to make them changing their behavior.

Our video[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Our paper[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

STOP THROWING CIGARETTES BUTTS ON THE GROUND![modifier | modifier le wikicode]


We are a group of 7 people, who noticed that cigarettes butts are everywhere, polluting the earth, the water; but also are very unpleasant for the view and give a dirty aspect of the city.

But is this phenomenon irreversible? We found some ideas that give us hope and prove that change is possible!

Antoine Bichler, co-president of Green Life, a Skema association, told us that in Austria the behaviour of the inhabitants is very different from that in France. Indeed, in Austria or in Switzerland they are very straddled on the cleanliness and the order. Do not dare throw a paper or a cigarette butt in the street, if the police sees you it is obviously a fine that you will pay. This trend tends to reach France like in Paris or in Cannes. It will probably be a rule applicable in all the hexagon in the next years.

In London, the city hall found another idea more ludic. The transparent box which permits the pedestrians to vote for their favourite soccer player. However the drawback of such a project is the cost. Plus, it is hopeless to set up boxes everywhere.

According to Jean-Paul Paris, psychologist, it is easier to stay in the "known" even when we wish to operate a change because it requires no effort. Awareness campaigns address the adult part of the individual and good arguments, even if the individual believes in, do not weigh heavy in front of a very instinctual spontaneous movement. In London project, what is interesting is the choice of the game addressing the child part. We do not expect the individual to change his gesture but a reorientation of it.

Why is it important to stop this phenomenon?

1) Preserve wildlife: A cigarette butt degrades naturally between one and two years. Moreover, a butt is likely to pollute 500 litters of water and one cubic meter of snow by itself. You will clearly not eat a cigarette butt. Yet, some animals swallow this kind of trash unfortunately and inadvertently such as albatross… Autopsies practised on corpses of animals proves it.

Cigarettes are composed of cellulose, acetate, glycerine, tar, nicotine and hundreds of other compounds as toxic as chemical. The composition of a cigarette butt has nothing reassuring. Did you know that it is necessitates less than one hour so that this merry cocktail dilutes in run-off water and polluted durable lakes, rivers and other streams?

2) Do not become a pyromaniac despite of you: every year, forest fires find their origin because of a badly put out cigarette. As nobody normally was established, you would not want to be responsible for the volatilization of several hectares. An Australian study showed that the cause of 12 % of forest fires was bound to a badly put out cigarette butts.

Give a look to our blog:

Edouard Daru ; Florian Gardesse ; Lynda Hoang ; Selim Kouahja ; Claire Löwenkamp ; Jessica Shi ; Kim Stefani

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