Video from group n° 102

De Movilab
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The topic we decided to explore is the following:
Throughout this video, we identify one of the most polluting industries in the world, the textile industry. How could we do something about it? What are the solutions? From nettle to one extraordinary fish's snot, different natural solutions could be the clue.

Our video[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

=== Our paper ===

A new way to reduce the textile pollution

In its report, « Dirty Laundry 2 », GreenPeace has discovered that many of textile factories, especially in developing countries, release a lot of polluting products in the nature and put in some clothes dangerous products for people’s health. As example, China is one of the most affected countries by the textile pollution, in many cities where the industry is well developed the Organisation has found the presence of Five big and dangerous metals in the water of the cities. So we touch here at one of our major society and development issues, indeed in our polluting world researches have to be more eco friendly, the textile pollution problem has to be solved.

This goes through Finding a solution like the one a group of scientists of the Guelph University Canada have discovered. A new way of producing textile which could be in the futur the solution to the textile pollution. Indeed the researchers have succeeded to create clothes from a Fish, the HagFish.

Actually, even if no one would like to touch this skin, the mucus created by this Fish or even clothes created with it, it is a solution to this major ecological matter. Indeed the exceptional slimy substance created by this marine creature could well revolutionize the industry and turns it to a solution more ecological. The substance, formed with slim Fibers, has the capacity to deploy itself instantaneously once excreted in the water and to occupy one hundred time its initial volume. The glands of only one Fish are able to produce almost one million kilometers of thread. And even if the thread has a diameter of 1 to 3 thousandth millimeters, we can operate a huge quantity of thread from only one Fish.

But the most important for our issue is that the researchers have found that the propriety of the mucus is closed to textile Fiber when the mucus dries. If clothes were created nowadays from mucus, they would have no smell, it would be possible to create all kinds of clothes with all way weaving patterns and all colors.

So nowadays creating new biodegradable sources and reducing the consumption of fossil fuel is the most important, the hagFish could be the solution to one of the most polluting industry, the project just needs to be continued and supported by Financial helps and others researchers. 

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