Video from group n° 098

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Welcome to the webpage of group 98[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

The topic we have decided to explore is the following : Health code for less medical errors We are committed to create a new device which would make the intervention of emergency services more efficient by giving their immediate informations about the medical history of the victim of an accident for example.

Our video[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Our paper[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

As a part of our daily life, accidents are considered as ordinary problems. For our group, the danger was not to be treated too late but the risk to not be well treated because of patients’ lake of information about their medical file. Moreover, nowadays to many papers are needed to avoid medical mistreatment. Gaulthier, a member of the team, has penicillin intolerance and he told us that if he has any really critical infection, if the doctors are not aware of this problem it could be a danger.

Accidents can occurs anytime, anywhere, and generally they happen when you expect them the least. So, you can’t really be prepared to have an accident, it simply happens but when it did, you would like emergency acts fast. In order to intervene effectively, emergency services need to access to information about the victim. Thinking of a solution so that emergency services can access easily to medical documents about a victim could make way much easier for emergency services to take action on patients who suffer from an accident, reduce ten times the risks of medical mistakes related to special diseases and finally it would allowed to have the identity of the victim more quickly in order to warn relatives.

We are committed to create a component in which all the medical data will be stored, allowing people who will be using this tool to be more efficiently rescued by emergency services. Indeed, our device will make things easier for emergency services when arriving on an accident scene. As soon as the Emergency Services will arrive on the location of an accident, they will have access to all medical records of the patient because of our tool.

The selection of our expert was an important step of the project. According to our idea we needed experts to tell us and explain us the reality of the problem, the different way of improvement and how much that could worth. There were different criteria such as his level and area of expertise, his experience, and his career. That is why it is important to have a clear idea of our needs and what we expected from our expert. According to that we were looking for expert who have done with the problem of the lack of information during the first aid. Philippe Lalleman and Christian Favario are two expert of the medical sector with more than 30 years of experience one as a doctor and the other one as firefighter.

We are aware that our potential customers could have the feeling to be spied or watched and that we can have to face a question of respect of private life. It was also mentioned by our expert on the interview. That is why one of our major challenges is going to achieve to convince our users that only medical professionals will be able to access the most private and elaborate information.

We selected this idea because this is the one in which we believe and all the team really thinks that this sustainable project and tool could help both emergency services and victims of accidents. It was a great challenge to explain and develop the problems we wanted to solve through the video and to let people know and imagine what could be our solution to resolve those problems. We had several positive feedbacks from the people we interviewed and from the ones who watched our video. So let’s move into our project!

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