Video from group n° 037

De Movilab
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Welcome to the webpage of group 037[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

This project was born by the idea of 6 students who wanted to highlight the autistic children integration issue. Here is an amazing short movie that we directed.
By working side by side with parents, doctors and teachers, skyrocketed with technologies, we believe that better and innovative solutions could be found in order to improve this situation.
Children with disabilities or delays might not learn like all children, but like all children they can learn!

Our video[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Our paper[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

It is from a business school framework that « #SolidarityAutism » was born. This project was the result of a « Sustainable performance » course delivered by Skema Business School Paris. In order to learn and participate from it, we had to choose a subject related to a specific problem, which was truly suffering from a lack of sustainable solutions. Counter to what comes first in mind; we didn’t select environmental issues because we wanted something more precise, more unique, and more reachable. Our dedication to society, child and health care got translated into that blueprint, autism.

Autism Spectrum Disorder better known as autism is a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the way people communicate and relate to others. The intensity and the range of disability are really extended but all people affected by autism have difficulty in terms of communication and social interaction. Most of them encounter difficulty responding appropriately to their environment. And this is where we want to step in.

Autism is an immedicable disorder with no known cure. But we found that specialized interventions could give these people the tools they need to lead to a full and productive life since their first age and first symptoms. Working on this cause allowed us to learn that more or less one child over a 100 is affected by autism. Likely we have learnt that the more they go through the educational stages, the less they continue the scholarship learning. As if their skills couldn’t match with the one required for this level of studies. But on the other hand, we discovered that about 40 percent of these extraordinary children have intellectual abilities above the average. A clinical psychologist whom we had interviewed asserted it. To draw conclusions, scientists assure their intellectual capacities but statistics testifies the way around with a high rate of de-schooling. Which makes the situation complex rough-and-tumble. But how it comes? What is the explanation for this lack of enrollment in school, if intellectual matters have nothing to do with it? It is all about integration.

This is what we wanted to highlight, the lack of solutions, sustainable solutions regarding their integration. With the help, the testimony and the telling of a young French autistic child’s mother living in Lille, we noted drastically that existing solutions were not efficient enough. ‘A personal assistance is too expensive and hard to be individual’ she said. ‘We need something more present providing better interaction’. We found out that applications were developed in order to frame their communication problem with specific games and activities, but moreover we found out that an interactive robot was about to be launched which would match perfectly to the means required for a better communication learning and at last a better integration. We believe that technology has its purpose to this sustainable quest. We hearten, promote and encourage this kind of venture that could change mostly everything and add the missing piece to autism integration puzzle.

Once the project was build, we had to share it to the public. We used essentially social media channels to provide ourselves notoriety and credibility regarding our objective. Summarized in a 4min20 short film video, the project was visible on Facebook and YouTube. Our marketing targeted every smartphone and computer user, but professionals and associative organizations as well, such as Facebook pages assimilated to well-known websites such as ‘Autism Awareness’ ‘Autism Speaks’, ‘Autism Mothers’.

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