Video from group n° 019

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Welcome to the webpage of group 019[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

The topic we have decided to explore is the following :
Urban rivers pollution

Our video[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Our paper[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

The Seine River is a pearl of Paris, the true bijou which is an essential part of Parisian charm. However, the Seine is not as clean as it was before: no more people swimming in its waters, no more fishermen fishing their lovely goujon (a type of fish), no more strollers in its shores. So why is it happened? The reason is covered in one simple word: “pollution”. Macro and micro pollution of urban rivers are the problems that were neglected for long time. Micro pollution is caused by many reasons including macro pollution of the rivers. Thus, in order to fight with micro pollution, the problem of macro pollution must be solved. Macro or visual pollution stands for the presence of all alien objects in the surface of the rivers (like plastic bags, cans and other products of human activity) that have an impact on the river’s ecosystem. These objects contain a lot of toxic chemicals that, while decomposing, convert into micro pollution and simply natural catastrophe, killing flora and fauna of the rivers and posing a danger for the humans. The Seine is one of the most polluted rivers in France, bringing almost 80% of its floating garbage to La Manche and then to Atlantic Ocean. The treatment capacity of floating garbage is notoriously inadequate for the agglomeration of 10 million inhabitants. Every day, 400,000 m3 of garbage spin directly from the sewer into the river without any treatment. This huge numbers prove the danger of the macro pollution of the Seine. In 1970, only three species of fish survived in the polluted water of the river. Nowadays, the situation isn’t better: flora and fauna of the Seine is decreasing drastically, according to the latest ecological checks. Our group of experts and students from SKEMA Business School found a sustainable solution to the problem of floating garbage in the Seine. Inspired by the Mother Nature and beavers, a special dam was created to collect as much floating waste as possible. The idea is to put two triangular dams in the entrance of the city and in the exit of the city. Thanks to triangular form, the floating garbage is directed to the sides of the shore where 2 reservoirs are situated. Inside each reservoir there is a basket. Once full, the crane automatically takes the basket and empties it in special container for trash. La Seine will be a test field of this product, if it works, it will promoted to other countries with water pollution problems like India, China, Russia and etc. To fight against micro pollution of the rivers the problem of macro pollution should be solved. Sometimes to change the world it just need a small thought.

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