Video from group n° 012

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Welcome to the webpage of group 012[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

The topic we have decided to explore is the following :

The emergency to save our oceans from overexploitation.

Each year, many species of fishes disappear and our ressources are going to an end.Industrial fishers do not respect our ecosystem and the seasides.

Therefore, we aim to explain how dangerous the current situation is for our own survival and why it is important to change and act for a new more responsive world.

Our video[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Our paper[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Year by year, the Sustainable Development environmental aspects appear to be more and more evoked. If we want to insure by now the continuity and the sustainability of our planet for the next years, it is the duty for each individual to protect our ecosystem. This protection is primarily a “clean challenge” for each of us. Indeed, daily habits like sort its wastes from home, limit the pollution, strive to recycle or limit the use of exhaustible resources are so many points able to save the ecosystem from its exhaustion.

For many years, approximately 1.8 million different species have been described on the surface of our planet due to over exploitation and to messes made by our industries. Currently, 29% of the 600 species of fish identified on Earth are on track to total extinction. This aberration is not negligible. As predicted by Darwin in his evolutionary theory, the direction and pace of change is coordinated by natural selection but remains conditioned by human activity.

We are therefore facing from now major challenges, because the accelerated erosion of biodiversity is caused mainly and exclusively by the human race. Today it is time to solve and address this problem by reversing the trend, and making of the human activity an asset for the preservation of wildlife as well as our entire ecosystem. The wrongs actions of our modern society, however, already seriously endangered animal species and the ecosystem.

How could we reconcile human activity with a favorable biodiversity development over long term? This requires each individual must to be responsible and take some action for our ocean. If we don’t take any action, our descendants would then have to eat and consume drastically differently in the future.

In fact, the truth is that these issues have already existed in the past. Nevertheless, by the presence and the constant advancement of innovation and because of new methods that accompany it, the over exploitation of Earth ressources only further intensify.

It is estimated that the fish consumption of an individual has increased from 10 kg in the 20 th century to 19 kg nowadays and according to the estimations, this figure keeps increasing each year. Seals the problems of our modern era of consumption include various elements characterizing the fragility of our ecosystem.

• The fragmentation and destruction of the natural environments bound, in particular, with the increasing urbanization and the expansion of the agricultural lands.
• The over exploitation of wild species (Over fishing, deforestation, poaching…).
• Pollution (of industrial, agricultural origin…).
• The climate change (which has a direct or indirect effect on the biodiversity).

In summary, biodiversity is a key theme for the survival of our planet and of its resources. Mismanagement or over exploitation of our global system can generate unpredictable and serious consequences. The disappearance of certain plant or animal species could entail disastrous results for the whole ecosystem and, by chain reaction, lead to the extinction of many other species, which could announce the end of our survival on Earth.

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