Video from group n°42

De Movilab
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Welcome to the webpage of group 42[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

The topic we have decided to explore is the following :

Our team presents to you its project: fighting against paper waste in offices.
That is our goal, and this video we'll show you why and how you could help us.

Our video[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Our paper[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Do you ask yourself when holding a sheet of paper “What this comes from and where this will end up when I will thoughtlessly throw it in my trashcan? “ ?

We guess as a normal human-being you won’t – because what is the point of considering a thing we use everyday, constantly and thus carelessly.


This is the great issue of our time; our over- consumer society made us loose the value of our everyday resources.

And Paper is one of these main resources we are drastically wasting, causing disastrous consequences on the environment.

Indeed, what people do not know is that paper’s production consists in a complex process which needs the use of a lot of water, and which rejects a great emission of CO2 gas and leads to a chemical and atmospheric pollution. And its wasting leads of course to greater environmental disasters.


So we are asking you “Do you want to keep on like this, killing your own living place?”


We asked ourselves this question, and the answer is of course NO!


So, now let’s present ourselves. “We” is a team of young business students with an ecological awareness who have together decided to address this great contemporary issue.

In this purpose - as we do not have a scientific background - we asked some experts what could be possible to do to offset this issue.

A new way of using the paper appears to be the obvious solution. We have to tackle to problem at its source which means change the habits of people towards the use of the paper.

We are thus planning to implement a solution in every house, every office, every place where the paper is used, giving people something friendly-user, that will enable them to save paper.


Now, knowing our great project, you may tell us that implementing such an idea in every place would need a lot of money.

Well, as students full of ideas we thought about proposing our project to the government and ask it for some financial help. We also created a crowdfunding request.

And as you are now – we hope so – concerned about the problem as much as we are, you could give us a little boost by going to our crowdfunding site and as a famous singer once sang -  We’ll make a better day for you and me !

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