Video from group n°078

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Welcome to the webpage of group 078[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

The topic we have decided to explore is the following :

This is a video about recycling. In this video, we tried to demonstrate the lack of self-conscious about this topic. Our solution is to develop communication because people are not enough aware enough of the recycling stake. How can we develop it? The answer is in the video...

Our video[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Our article: How can we increase awareness about the recycling issue?[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

How can recycling become a daily matter to everyone?

As a general rule, people seem to be aware that recycling is an issue at stake, whatever they are young or senior. Even though, they are not all active-recycler in their daily life. In fact, 56% of people in France do not recycle, and there are two different reasons to that. Some of them don’t really know how to recycle in their daily-life (in which garbage they should through their waste, or what can be recycled). Others need to have all the tools required to recycle well. It means that they are not likely to recycle by themselves.

How could we improve people acts in term of sorting? Firstly, people need clearer and more precise information about how to recycle in order to have the right gesture. Secondly, people need to have concrete tools. For instance, people should have in their possession different garbage cans with an explanatory form to gather all information necessary to recycle well. Thirdly, we need to explain to people what is a concrete recycle process and to show them what can become a recycled product. Indeed the recycling stake will weigh far more with concrete examples.

What can be changed?

At school, to teach at a younger age can raise awareness among the population since earliest childhood. Many schools can do it without any specific budget and allows not only children to take responsible actions but also their parents. In fact, parents and children can together learn about recycling in a funny way without constraint.

Industries have to be more respectful against the environment. That is to say, they have to start at the beginning: when the products are made. It is enough with to much wrapping. There is a huge need in sustainable wrappings that allows people to reuse it for another thing, like producing sweater with plastics, or wheelchair with corks.

Change people’s mind about recycling should not be seen as a chore but a simple action to help the planet. For instance, every year the “NGO Prioriterre” puts in competition several thousand families. The participants have to decrease their energy consumption of 8% with as a bonus, rewards. The “gamification” (use games to incite to the ecological gestures) is more and more used. “The competition create some emulation, families are attracted by the spirit of game, and festures applied during the game become reflexes” Pascaline Pin, coordinator of the challenge “Families with positive energy”.

Why should it change?

We need to change our way of recycling before it’s too late. Indeed, dump are getting bigger and bigger and some garbage ended in the sea creating the 6th continent, others contaminate phreatic table, contaminating our water, ground and in this way what we eat.

We need to change our way of recycling to save and earn money. Indeed, recycling has an ecologic impact on the planet, as we all know we need to preserve our planet before it’s too late. Furthermore, recycling has a cost impact because on the one hand we can earn money. Local council community has taxes for the household waste, which aim to reduce waste and encourage recycling. The more you recycle, the less your taxes will be, and you will earn money. On the other hand, recycling can save money as new products are made out of recycling. Manufacturer can buy recycle raw material to product, which costs less than new raw material. If not recycled, garbage will go directly in the dumps to be burnt and it will costs more money to taxpayers.

That’s why our way of recycle need to change!

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