Video from group n°053

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Welcome to the webpage of group 053[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

The topic we have decided to explore is the following :
Today, accessibility for people with disabilities in places of public accommodations & commercial activities remains an issue in France.

In 2005, The French government adopted the law aiming at promoting equal rights, opportunities and participation in civil life for disabled.

However in late 2014 was the time of an appalling observation : improvements were not as sufficient as the objectives settled.

Our video[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Our paper[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

                  Sustainable Performance Paper: Accessibility for disabled people

People usually consider that handicapped people represent a minority; but throughout our research, we noticed that there are about 12 million handicapped people in France and represent 18% of the total population. About 7% of them suffer from impaired mobility and experience hard times accessing to public spaces and commodities.

As mentioned in our video, the government is trying to improve the life of handicapped people, and the law of 11 February 2005 shows their willingness to decrease the problems faced by handicapped people. The main issue is that this law only concerns 1million public places (ERP) which we think is not enough to comply with the needs of people with impaired mobility and that greater effort must be made in order to help those people leave a decent life. Not having an adequate accessibility to basic commodities such as supermarkets, cafés…does not only affect their daily routine but also affects them psychologically because not being able to do what normal people do makes them feel week and different.

The aim of our project is to find a way to make life easier for handicapped people, but specially to make them feel as normal as possible because we think that life gave them enough obstacles and that our, us gifted people, is to give them their chance to live a normal life. There is still hope for disabled people for a better future with more than 8million of people that are taking care of a handicapped relative on a daily basis. Finding a suitable solution for accessibility will not only give more autonomy to disabled people but will also help the people that are in charge of them by facilitating their tasks.

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