Video from group 38

De Movilab
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Welcome to the webpage of group 38[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

The topic we have decided to explore is the following :
Vous n'avez rien compris au 7eme continent et ses dangers ? Vous avez envie d'en savoir un peu plus d'une façon simple et ludique ? Cette vidéo est faite pour vous !

Our video[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

== BeachClean

Our video deals with the maritime pollution and how to make beaches cleaner. We have decided to make a video that was easily comprehensive for both adults and children. Children are the future generation and they have to understand the importance to collect and sort waste. Our video is about the pollution of beaches and so this paper will deal with the existing and non existing solution in order to clean the beaches. There are different protocols to follow depending on the type of coastlines:

  • On the beaches with high tourism issues, mechanical cleaning will be adapted recommended. This is particularly the case on patrolled beaches or low ecological issues such as "urban" beaches.
  • On the beaches with high environmental issues, a regular manual cleaning will be preferred.
  • On the beaches with very high environmental issues, the manual cleaning will be punctual. It will consider the protected species nesting period such as the Kentish plover and little tern. In order to best preserve these vulnerable species, no cleaning is recommended during the nesting period.

I) Mechanical cleaning

The mechanical cleaning is often used to clean bigger areas which are inaccessible by man. There are two examples below of a mechanical cleaning:

  • SeaBin: is a marine trash that acts as a continuous active filter to clean ports and other coastal areas particularly plagued by pollution. Entirely autonomous and very compact, the SeaBin has the size of a classical trash and can be immersed anywhere near the coast. The device is capable of floating on the surface and is connected to a water pump installed on land or at the back of a boat. The water passes through the bin as in a funnel. In this manner, floating debris and liquids such as oil, fuel or detergents are harvested. The filtered water is then rejected in the can with the water pump. Waste is in turn collected in a bag made of natural fibers, specially provided for this purpose. When it is full, simply remove it, empty it and reposition it in the SeaBin.
  • Ocean Cleanup plastic sensor: The principle is simple; it is a system of long floating arms placed under water in strategic locations against which the plastic stick. These are then trapped, stored in a floating tower and recovered by tanker few weeks for recycling. This «central tower "can contain up to 3,000 cubic meters of plastic.

Limits of the mechanical cleaning: Commonly used, the mechanical cleaning of beaches leads to remove part or the entire foreshore. It causes a loss of biological wealth imbalance sedimentary stock. It can accelerate coastal erosion...

II) Manual cleaning (public beaches...)

The manual cleaning is generally used on accessible beaches by humans. Often realized by associations and volunteer activities, this is the most famous cleaning from all of us. The manual cleaning is simply a process by which some people will meet each other to pick up a maximum of waste. But this type of cleaning has some limitations. The introduction of manual cleaning by cities requires an important work organisation. Indeed, this process needs time and human resources. It requires also a specific training of volunteers that will accomplish these tasks. Additionally, volunteer activities are not very motivating so attract human resources may be difficult sometimes.

Conclusion: To conclude, like we just said above, solutions exist but problems persist. First, these solutions are extremely expensive so it might be difficult to invest in such projects (especially in small cities). Then, all these solutions are not sustainable a lot and emphasize environmental issues (exhaustion of biological wealth, disequilibrium of sedimentary stocks...). This is why it is very important to make people aware of the problem (through prevention and sensitization) before acting to put a stop to the growth of beaches and oceans' pollution. Even if solutions are not very sustainable and expensive, some projects distinguish themselves from others. For example, Boyan Stat, a young Dutch of 20 years old, launch the Ocean Cleanup project and succeed to raise $2 million in September 2015.

Referrencing Emmanuel Perrin. 2015. Seabin, la poubelle filtrante imaginée par des surfeurs pour nettoyer les océans : [Accessed 13 December 15].

Konbini. 2015. Pour nettoyer les océans, ce génie de 20 ans a trouvé la solution. [Accessed 15 December 15].

Florian Geffroy. 2010. Espaces [Accessed 06 December 15].

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