Video From group n° 002

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Welcome to the webpage of group 002[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

The Topic we have decided to explore is the following :

The aim of this video is to sensitize people, find new ways to operate and a solution to transform unproductive waste into productive resources that could represent an extra income for hospitals.

Our video[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Our paper[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Recycling emergency : Are you sorting, doctor ?

Here is the story of how a group of 6 students from SKEMA Business School built an innovative project about waste management in hospitals.

At SKEMA Business School, students were asked to form teams in order to create a project based on sustainable performance. We met one group of 6 students who worked on managing waste in hospitals : Justine Moulin, Clara Koulaïmah, Mary Tabary, Marion Le Poullen, Gaétan Courtais and Quentin Plaud. Quentin, the manager of the group, explains: “there were 3 main steps : thinking and choosing 3 focusing ideas, start researches on the 3 ideas, and choose one together to treat one final idea”. Two of the three ideas were based on waste management, so they realized that they wouldn’t be able to ask for a unique solution suitable for everything. They had to focus on one target, on one segment that needs to be helped, and that is realistic.

Thanks to their researches, they found out that most hospitals do not sort their waste. In fact, a study showed that domestic waste in hospitals represents between 75% and 90% of the total waste. Everything goes in the same garbage disposal, except for infectious and bloody waste. It has also been proven that, in general, 1,5 to 3kg of waste are thrown away per patient per day. With the increase in hygiene and safety measures, the use of single-use packagings has been strikingly rising and therefore a sustainability issue has emerged. “We were shocked and we thought that this could be very interesting, that we need to alarm people, and let everybody know about it. A majority of people sees hospitals and doctors as examples, so we had to highlight it publicly and change people’s perspective on sorting” explained Marion, the Public Relations manager of the team. Then, they also discovered how it works in agriculture : the biodigestor, a machine which offers possibilities for circular economy. “Circular economy should suit perfectly with hospitals, as they need resources. But how to transform waste in valuable resources for hospitals ?” asked Clara, the star of the group, and the sweet voice on the video.

They had to ask how it exactly works in the agriculture sector, and what medical teams' views are on waste sorting. They used their network and contacted a farmer, a friend who works for Veolia in London, French nurses, and of course doctors and people working in hospital’s administration. “We realized that nurses did not understand why they do not sort in hospitals, they only separate toxic from domestic waste; in the meantime, they do not have money to invest in recycling, neither the time to organize themselves” said Mary, the expert.

On the video, we can discover the words of a doctor and a farmer. By the way, let’s focus on that video, untitled “Team 002 – From waste to gain” on Youtube. “I was in charge of the video’s realization. The idea came very fast in my mind to draw and make it in stop motion or fast effect, in order to stay in people’s memory. I was inspired by the French Youtuber Norman (i.e. Ma Vie en Dessin), I found it playful and memorable, exactly what we needed !” explained Justine, the artist and the brain of the group ! Then, when the date of the launching came, the communication campaign began. Each group member started to put the video on their Facebook page… And it went viral ! “All of my friends from school, and also the ones outside school, told me that they can see the video everywhere, everyday ! I also used to check the Youtube account everyday, I saw the views’ number growing, I communicated the results to the group members… We were very proud !” explained Gaetan, smiling.

The catchy video with the catchy project fascinated a lot of people, and I hope for this team, that soon, lots of people will help them improve the circle of waste, and find new ways to operate !

Our thoughts are with Justine Moulin, thank you very much.

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