VIdeo from group n° 060

De Movilab
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Welcome to the webpage of group XXX[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

The topic we have decided to explore is the following : We made an investigation video to better undestand the food waste issue, its challenges, and give you the opportunity to think of efficient and sustainable solutions. You will see expert of the subjet giving their opinion to help you understand the importance this challenge.

Our video[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Our paper[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Nowadays, food Wastes in the restaurant industry is something characterized as problematic for the restaurateur but also on a sustainable development point of view.

First of all, we have to be aware of the fact that 15 per cent of the total amount of food wasted comes from restaurants, which represent more than 1 tonne of food. This is mainly explained by consumer’s acts, which is represented by the fact that they always order more food than they are capable to eat. This fact saddens most of restaurants owners, however they are also responsible for this waste even if sometimes they do not have the choice.

One solution could be donation, particularly to homeless or in need people, however, restaurateurs face many restrictive barriers to do so. As an example, one of the most important brakes to food donation are health reasons, indeed, many restaurants renounce to give their uneaten food because they do not want to be involved into health troubles. In addition, another brake to donation is the image of the restaurant, which can be affected. In fact, many owners are scared about the fact that many homeless people can stay in front of the restaurant if this one begins to give them food regularly because this could make customers run away. Astonishingly, some associations responsible for donations are also reluctant by collecting restaurant additional food. Indeed this creates additional costs and the need to distribute this food immediately to the people who can be interested in it.

When it comes to the solutions to this problem, we have several alternatives allowing us to reduce all the bad impacts of food waste. The first one, created and only dedicated to restaurants is the “doggy bag” which allows customers to leave the restaurant with the food they have not eaten during their meal. However this solution is not adapted to every countries culture and is therefore more developed in some countries than other and face many reluctant customers and restaurateurs.

Another growing solution for food waste is composting. It is involved into a new concept called “circular economy” adapted and designed by the evolution of our production methods. Basically, composting is transforming our wastes into raw materials. The benefits of this concept allows the come back to ground of organic material, which reduces its amount.

Finally, we have to keep in mind that wastes treatment give economic and environmental solutions. Indeed using our wastes to transform it into raw material in alternative to energy fossil uses which highly impact our environment. In addition, recycling our wastes allow to provide raw materials to our industries which give a significant competitive advantage and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

What we realized in our project is that there are many different possibilities to fight food waste, but these solutions do not solve the problem which is deeper and not only focus on restaurant. Solutions need to be find for this worldwide issue.

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