First assignment of group n° 138
1. What Problem do you want to solve ?
Reduce the emission of CO2 in the atmosphere in town. CO2 is the main reason why air is not clean in big cities, limit the emission is one of the most important situation that we live in the 21th century.
2. Why does this problem exist?
-Most of our machines run with gas (AC, chemical process, cars)
-Solar power is not enough used and still too expensive
-Electrical car are not enough develop and cost too much too change the way of doing
-Human is use to use this type of machine
-Nowadays people try to find answer which are totally new, but they are way more expensive, that’s why population doesn’t want to involve themselves in cleaner process.
3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?
We will try to find a solution to limit the effect of anthropic gas, find a new way for people to make small modification to change their life that can limit the use of pollutant process. We figure that car congestion in town deals with the highest rate of pollution. We will give a new answer that can fit the same as today, but more cleaner.
Potential expert already identified : Leo Dayan, Maître de conférence en sciences économiques. Université de Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne , Directeur scientifique de l’APREIS (European and International Actors, Practices and Research for Sustainability