First assignment of group n° 129
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First description of our project
We came up with the name "Sport' Up" for our project.
1. What Problem do you want to solve ?
In the whole world, we count not less than 25 million people suffering from cancer, and the number of sick people has doubled from 1970 to 2000.
The struggle to fight this disease causes not only a great tiredness for patients, but also isolation for people that need to meet other people to discuss about this disease that their relatives do not always understand. They also need entertainment.
2. Why does this problem exist?
Programs were created to help and cure suffering from cancer, such as chemotherapy, and other medical techniques, which have been developed for a long time, and are constantly in evolution. But the lack of budget, of time, and on communication on the cancer, added to some prejudices about this disease are holding the patients.
When someone is treated in a hospital the staff focuses especially on the treatment of the illness. The problem exists also because providing this kind of services isn’t the main goal of a hospital.
3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?
In order to solve this isolation and tiredness of the patients, and to help them fighting cancer, we want to integrate sports in the program against cancer. This will be possible by making easier the access for cancer patients to sport halls specially adapted, and it will help them fight against tiredness, lack of entertainment, and isolation, and it could be complementary to current cancer treatments.