First assignment of group n° 121

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Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • Video 1 : Julie MEYER. The art of entrepreneurship – TEDxSalford, December 10, 2012.

  • Video 2 : Knowlege Plaza. Knowledge Plaza 3, la plate-forme collaborative, March 13, 2013.

  • Video 3 : HSG University Saint-Gallen. The 10 Myths of Entrepreneurship, December 14, 2012.

Book : OECD/The European Commission. Pallier la pénurie d’entrepreneurs 2014 : politiques d’entreprenariat inclusif en Europe, OECD publishing, 2015.

  • Article 1 : Victor PRIDE. The Top 10 Challenges You’ll Face as a New Entrepreneur and how to conquer them, March 31, 2014.

  • Article 2 : Pierre HERFURTH. A la découverte des visages de l’économie collaborative., May 25, 2015.

  • Article 3 : Chrissy SCIVICQUE. 5 Ways To Share Your Professional Expertise And 4 Reasons You Should. July 25, 2013.

  • Article 4 : Olivier HARMANT. Les 3 secteurs qui vont tirer l’économie collaborative dans les prochains mois. July 1, 2015.

  • Article 5 : David GURTEEN. Creating a Knowledge Sharing Culture. Knowledge Management Magazine, Volume 2, Issue 5, February 1999.

  • Video 1 : Jonathan Trent – Energy from floating

  • Video 2 : Jackie Savitz – Save the oceans, feed the world

  • Video 3 : Oussama Amar – Les barbares attaquent l’énergie

Book : Annabelle Jaouan – L’entrepreneur du 21ème siècle, reflet des évolutions sociétales


  • Article 1 : Rubayat Khan – Embracing the business of development

  • Article 2 : A Path for Entrepreneurs, When a Start-Up Is Not the Goal


  • Article 4 : Marc Arthur Gauthey - Un entrepreneur, à quoi ça sert ?

  • Article 5 : Arthur De Grave – Finance participative: une vision sociale ? Entretien avec Vincent Ricordeau

ROSTAND Charlotte
  • Video 1 : Dame Ellen Mac Arthur : the suprising think I learn sailing all around the world
  • Video 2 : The circular economy
  • Video 3 : Latitude Responsable : Pesinet

Book : The real problem solvers – Shapiro (2012)

FANIEN Alexandre

Book : Barthélémy, A. et Slitine, R. (2011), Entrepreneuriat social : innover au service de l'intérêt général, Editions Vuibert

  • Video 1 : Jérôme Stioui, Marketing Mobile: promouvoir son appli et engager ses utilisateurs – Blend Web Mix, March, 12, 2014.

  • Video 2 : Willemijn Verloop, Changing the world through social entrepreneurship – TEDxUtrecht

  • Video 3 :

Book : Alex GENADINIK. Mobile App Marketing And Monetization: How To Promote Mobile Apps Like A Pro: Learn to promote and monetize your Android or iPhone app. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014.

  • Article 1 : Kim COHEN. A Simple Guide To Mobile App Marketing, November 29, 2012.

  • Article 2 : Gideon KIMBRELL. Five Killer Marketing And Distribution Strategies For Your App., July 18 2014.

  • Article 3 : Corey ERIDON. A Marketer's Complete Guide to Launching Mobile Apps. Fébruary 8, 2012.

  • Article 4 : Fadhila BRAHIMI. Avenir des réseaux:la mise en relation de compétences et d’intérêts,ex Linkcrafter, BLOXXID, PearlTrees. 10 November 2009.

  • Article 5 :
RUSCART Alexandre
  • Video 1 : Liberate your company (isaac gets)

  • Video 2 : Les nanotechnologies

  • Video 3 : Latitude responsable Danone

Book : Latitude responsable Danone


  • Article 1 : Why sustainable tourism is the travel industry's duty

RENARD Camille

Book : « La boite à outils des réseaux sociaux » - Cyril Bladier (2015)

Set & Match

1. What problem do you want to solve ?

According to the APCE (Agence pour la création d’entreprise) in France the number of business creations decreased by 2.6% between 2012 and 2013. The number of French people engaged independently in a company is very low, compared to other countries such as the United-States, Sweden or Finland for instance. How could we explain this lack of French entrepreneurs? Is it all about motivation or willingness to create a new company, a new business? However, France is the place of establishment of a lot of successful companies; so at first we’d like to solve the lack of entrepreneurship in France. But solving only this problem would be insufficient. It is all fine and well to encourage and motivate people to run businesses in France but it would be better if this entrepreneurship could be economically viable and socially sustainable: which is far from being the case in France. Indeed, according to the INSEE only 49% of the new firms outlast the five years of activity. It means that not only is there insufficiency of enterprises in France but also that when some French people are ready to run their business, their chances to success and to create a sustainable company are poor. That is why we also want to solve the problem of an ineffective French entrepreneurialism. In fact both are linked; if France is lacking of entrepreneurs it certainly is because most of entrepreneurship attempts failed and if those attempts failed it is because in France, running a business is too unusual and the means to succeed in it are still underdeveloped.

2. Why does this problem exist ?

First of all the French enterprise dynamic is not very strong because there is a problem of matching. Indeed, in France there are people with ideas, people with physical means, people with financial means, people with skills; but these people rarely are the same person. That’s why most of the time someone who wants to create a new business has difficulty bringing all these essential elements together. It is hard for someone who is looking for a particular skill or knowledge or means to find quickly and effectively find the good one. The matching between people is not obvious and optimal. Secondly one of the obstacles to building a new business is the geographic situation. The localization of people can be a barrier in the sense that it is difficult to be aware of the talents who are in a close or far area. Furthermore there is a problem with the generation. According to the OECD people who have the most difficulties to create new businesses are young people and seniors. Why are these social categories reluctant to set up a company? First, young people have access to many resources and information thanks to their knowledge and expertise of new information and communication technologies. They are always connected and aware, and it stimulates their brain and increase possibilities having lots of innovating ideas. But, their lack of professional experience and resources make them doubt about their capabilities to create a successful business. On the contrary, seniors have difficulties to update their knowledge into new technologies and new ways of working in companies even if they have many technical skills thanks to their rich professional experience. All these social categories are related because they face the same issues: lack of expertise, lack of versatility, and not following the perpetually evolving business environment…

3. What breakthrough are you committed to creating ?

For these kinds of problem, there is no miracle solution. There could be different ways to solve it. Our first idea would be to be based on the trend of collaborative economy. It means that we wish to use knowledge sharing, ‘mutualisation’ of competences, putting material and immaterial available resources together. Our goal is to encourage the entrepreneurship in every day’s life. By this we mean that we want to create an intermediate between people who want to undertake and people who can help them in terms of money, ideas, skills or knowledge but who do not necessarily want to assume all the risks. To do that we think that the best solution would be to create a kind of network on which interested people could share their ideas, their skills, their expertise, their financial resources. In this way people could exchange and communicate easily and quickly. People can find the right person, at the right moment, with the right capabilities. For example, if a contractor wants to create an application, he will need a designer and vice versa, many designers want to work on new applications. We wish for matches between these people in order to create qualitative and effective relationships. By matching people together, we want to share and spread an entrepreneurial spirit. Our project makes people able to trust their ideas and themselves.

Potential experts already identified

Alice (Tardis) Masson, senior relationship manager at LinkedIn (Paris, France) ; likelihood to convince her to join the final panel : 7/10

Christopher Gulczynski, Tinder designer anc co-creater of Next (music app) (Los Angeles, US) ; likelihood to convince him to join the final panel : 3/10

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