First assignment of group n° 101

De Movilab
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Alice Billoir

Book :

  • Manier B. (2012), Un million de révolutions tranquilles : travail, argent, habitat, santé, environnement, ... Comment les citoyens changent le monde, Editions Les Liens qui Libèrent


Kaoutar Guenngani

Book :

  • Book : Économie sociale et solidaire, De nouveaux référentiels pour tempérer la crise. Nicolas Matyjasik, Philippe Mazuel et Florence Jany-Catrice.


la Fondation VINCI Autoroutes sensibilise les conducteurs à l’occasion des départs de nuit du week-end de la Toussaint]

Amélie Baran

Book :

  • L’innovation jugaad : Redevenons ingénieux


Aida Djoffon

Book :

  • Le bonheur au travail. Rentable et durable, Vanhee L. (2013), Happy RH.Edition La Charte


Salomé Phan Van Hué

Book :

  • Barthélémy, A. et Slitine, R. (2011), Entrepreneuriat social : innover au service de l'intérêt général, Editions Vuibert


Yassine Harbachi

Book :

  • Livre Blanc, Décembre 2007, Jeunes et sécurité sociale.


Nathalie Thonan

Book :

  • Outsmart Waste: The Modern Idea of Garbage and How to Think Our Way Out of It, published in 2014, by Tom Szaky


First description of our project

1. What Problem do you want to solve ?

In 2014, according to Le Monde, about 3,384 drivers were killed on the road and 35,000 others were seriously injured. Tiredness on steering wheel is the third most deadly cause. Indeed, in France, one out of three mortal car accidents is caused by drivers’ tiredness, generally linked to the speed of the car. People seem to drive faster and faster in order to reach their finale place. They think that if you’re driving faster, you are more likely to rest quickly. Unfortunately, the faster you drive, the greater the risk of accident is. But here’s the main problem: people still do not realize how many risks they are taking while driving in these conditions, and usually keep not listening advices. That’s the reason why we want to focus on this social (and scourge) issue. Making people a little bit more aware about their responsibility on the road, not only for themselves but also for others is our main purpose. In a word, we want to act directly on the different tiredness’ reasons. Why is it a real dangerous problem? Only because people can’t control tiredness!

2. Why does this problem exist?

Everyone has its own lifestyle. However, they all share a common and vital need: sleeping, which is automatically and totally controlled by the brain. Sleeping obviously influences our way to live but also our way to drive. Although the minimum 7 hours required per night, it seems that people considered sleep as a kind of secondary activity. Of course, not everyone needs the same amount of sleep. But there’s no doubt that the evolution of our society, nowadays’ work organization, and the appearance and the development of new technologies/ systems such as smartphones, computer or even TV, have impacted billion of people’s life and lead to a serious lack of sleep. It is undeniable that we do not sleep well. Moreover, drowsy driving, more and more present today, is as dangerous as being drunk on the road. Drivers keep jeopardising their life. This phenomenon does not get as much awareness as it should get. Actually, there are not enough prevention campaigns made by the public authorities. It’s important to specify that we tend to repeat some moves when driving: keep looking the rear-view mirror, holding the steering wheel, changing gear etc. Gestures constantly repeated during several hours in a row, and causing tiredness. Not to mention humdrum roads, especially highways, which are a potential danger since drivers don’t pay much attention anymore. Eyes are not as effective as they used to. The first signs of drowsy driving appear and put drivers in an extreme danger.

3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?

Through our idea, we are trying to bring a relevant solution to one of the persistent issues in the last decades, which is the road accident. So as the technology is getting more and more stylish and technically advanced, we, as a team who are looking for a sustainable project, are presenting an anti-somnolence wristband. This wristband is basically used as an usual one, one that can not disturb the driver in any way. How it works? The gadget is directly related to the skin of the user, and keeps analyzing his/her electrodermale activity permanently. Once the electrodermale activity has slowed, which means, the driver is falling in sleep, it gives alerts to keep him/her awake. Proud to be the first to come with this idea, we are committed to bring our best to develop this new gadget in order to reduce effectively the numbers of deaths on the roads.

- The Expert :Road Safety (Sécurité Routière) - Vinci Autoroutes- CNRS - Car manufacturers - Health expert (physicians, medical specialists, surgeons)

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