First assignment of group n° 098

De Movilab
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Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Thibault ORTS

Book : Papanek; V. (2005), Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change, Second Revised Edition, Chicago Review Press

Clémentine CHAIX

Book : Sempels, C. et Hoffmann, J. (2012), Les business models du futur : créer de la valeur dans un monde aux ressources limitées, Pearson France.


Book : Alcool et adolescence, jeunes en quête d’ivresse; Patrice Huerre F. Marty Essai (broché)

BRAND Gaulthier

Book : Sempels, C. and Hoffmann, J. (2014), Sustainable Innovation Strategy, Palgrave Mac-Millan


Book : The third industrial revolution, Rifkin

Mathilde COULOMB

Book : The seven days week-end, Semler


Book : Inddigo,(2012) Transports et écologie, Le Passager Clandestin

1. What problem do you want to solve ?

Daily life and transportation accidents are inevitable. Nowadays, the problems in security are decreasing but in a technological world like the one we live in, there are still too many medical issues and many advances in the support of the patients’ treatment are needed.

Today, when people have an accident, whatever its nature, emergency services intervene rapidly but are often slowed down by the lack of informations concerning the victim. In most cases, the assistants have no access to the personal health records of the casualties and even worse, sometimes the identity of the wounded person is unknown (no ID, hidden face, etc.).

As a consequence, medical history is unidentified and it is not always possible to join close family members or relations.

2. Why does this problem exist?

This problem exists because of the increasing evolution and performance in terms of material technology of extreme sports and their popularity like ski, cross biking, wakeboard etc... Furthermore people are more and more exposed to dangerous situation in daily life like heart attacks or lost consciousness after having a stroke.

In addition there are still a lot of car and motorbike accidents. The security technologies like airbag and materials had improved considerably and it’s why the number of persons who are killed is decreasing but people who are injured after an accident is higher than before.

However there isn’t any accessible database for medical help or firemen. When they arrive first on an accident place there is nothing that can give them information about their allergies or medical history before contacting the family or reaching the hospital place. This is one reason of medical errors which could be avoided if the first medical person on the accident place could have access to the personal information of the casualty in order to be more efficient for the diagnosis.

3. What breakthrough are you commited to create?

We are committed to create a component in which all the medical datas will be stored. The purpose is that people have always this tool on them. This project would tackle three main issues:

1. To make way much easier for emergency services to take action on patients who suffer from an accident. As soon as the Emergency Services will arrive on the location of an accident, they will have access to all medical records of the patient because of our tool. It will be ten times more efficient because thanks to this, they could intervene immediately. This totally new tool is still to be invented, that’s why we’re letting this idea enter the public domain. It’s up to your imagination yet !

2. To reduce ten times the risk of medical mistakes related to special diseases for instance intolerance to a particular treatment, blood group if transplantation is needed or peril of previous interventions. So that, emergency services could give the suitable treatment.

3. To have the identity of the patient more quickly in order to warn relatives.

Our team offers a unique product (USP). In fact, regarding our potential competitors (in France and in other countries, but healthcare is not the same all around the world). We highlighted four components: social security card, donor card or specific medical cards and child health record booklet.

• Social security card: what is important is that everybody do not have one and when a person has a social security card he does not necessarily have it with him and even if he has it when an accident occurred most of the time the emergency services have trouble to find it. Also, this type of card does not show all the medical information of the person.

• Donor card or specific medical cards: we can encounter the same limits as the social security card.

• Child health record booklet: in it there is lot of information but we can notice that it is in particular the owners are the children.

So our project is unique because it gathered all the qualities of the three previous products. It will be more accessible and more complete in terms of personal and medical information so more efficient. Moreover, our project will be sustainable because accidents concern everyone, anytime, anywhere and it will be a constant issue above time.

Benchmarking: this analysis helps us study the competition according to specific criteria. The goal is to know if our project is relevant and if we can improve it.

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