First assignment of group n° 086

De Movilab
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Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]


Book : Thermal Guidelines for Data Processing Environments / American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, 45 pages / Online Book


MICHOU Antoine

Book : The green and Virtual Data / Greg Schulz, 367 pages



Book : Energy Efficient Servers: Blueprints for Data Center Optimization / Corey GOUGH & Ian STEINER & Winston A. SAUNDERS, 360 pages



Book : Grow a Greener Data Center / Douglas Alger, Cisco Press, 336 pages



Book : Greening the Data Center / Georges Spafford, 60 pages



Book : Optimum Cooling of Data Centers / Jun Dai,Michael M. Ohadi,Diganta Das,Michael G. Pec, 150 pages



Book : The Green Computing Book: Tackling Energy Efficiency at Large Scale / Wu-chun Feng, 353 pages


Our project[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

1. What Problem do you want to solve ?

With our project, we plan to minimize waste of energy caused by the very important consumption of electricity in datacenters. Indeed, they represent the basis of Internet and what we call "The Big data". As the use of Internet and Apps is growing, the consumption of energy is growing very fast too.

It is becoming a huge problem in the entire world. For example, in the United States, in 2013 91 Billion Kwh were consumed. It is the equivalent of two times of New-York City's consumption and 45 coolfire pumps for one year. In 2020, a consumption of 140 billion Kwh is forecasted.

There are two issues to fight in this problem. On the one hand, the fact that Internet and the data centers are crucials in our life even if they are big energy consumers. On the other hand, a reliable solution is necessary to avoid the heating in the data center which can finish into the loss of our datas. For this, companies need big air-conditioners to refresh those specifics rooms.

We have detected a fear in the companies that own all the central data centers. Effectively, they just want a solution which is 100 % reliable and are less concerned about the consumption of energy.

There is a dilemma because today everything is oriented towards digital supports. But companies and people need sustainable energies to enpower all the data centers wihthout imperiling future generations.

2. Why does this problem exist?

Internet and transferts of datas around the world, are growing very fast. To allow the circulation of those datas, big datacenters are built. They have to be powerful, reliable and efficient, it's a daily challenge for the companies which manage those places. The problem comes from the fact that all the computers are reunited in the same place. This type of computer create heat and companies have to face it. There is too much heating, it's risky because it can end to a faillure which could block lots of companies, people, applications, stores...etc.

Different actors are responsible of this issue : - Consumers : needs of internet and digital technology are growing, and more and more people have access to it. The needs of energy are not affordable to be sustainable. - Companies : they want to be very efficient, and for this they have to consume more and more energy to refresh all the data centers.

3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?

We want to solve this issue by creating two ways to provide data centers with renewable energy. On the one hand by using windmill and solar panels we might generate the necessary electricity for the data centers. The idea is to be independant and polute less.

On the other hand with the heat of data centers we would like to transform it into condensation. This could be a way to generate resources that are missing on the earth.

Finally, the heat of datacenters could be used in order to warm office and be auto-sufficient. Overall, we thought about turning heat into electricity, which could be another idea to create resource.

An idea of expert which could be interested in our project : Aaron Binkley Director of sustainability at Digital Reality. He seems to be the right person because he has a knowledge in solving complex problems in sustainability. Source : LinkedIn

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