First assignment of group n° 083
Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Name of the project
1. What Problem do you want to solve ?
We are willing to resolve the issue of raw material’s recycling. According to Mike Biddle, less than 10% of plastic waste is recycled, which is very low compared to metal waste (90%). Despite efforts to recycle plastic waste, production remains really high. What’s more, considering oil depletion plastic production will soon be impossible and it seems necessary to us to find a new component that might replace plastic.
2. Why does this problem exist? This problem has been existing for years due to the consumption, the explosion of new technologies such as 3D printing that are using more and more raw material resources, and plastic’s low manufacturing cost. Even though people are more aware of this issue, they still don’t really pay attention to it. And concerning oil depletion that will cause the end of plastic, it is due to the lack of ressources in front of the growing needs.
3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating? We are devoted to trying to find a new way of re-using plastic waste so as to create new materials for 3D printer. Concretly speaking, citizens should become capable of recycling their own plastic waste.