First assignment of group n° 079

De Movilab
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Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]


Book : Jérôme BALLET (2011), "Comment préserver les ressources naturelles ? Le mythe de la gestion participative" Éditions Rue d’ULM


  • Latin America Trend Series: Water Crisis Challenges Business as Usual, Spurs

Innovation ( crisis-challenges-business-as-usual-spurs-innovation#)

  • A Personal Wind Turbine To Pack Up And Take Anywhere

( take-anywhere#2)

  • Sustainable development goals: what business needs to know

( development-goals-business-sdg-targets)

  • One in four major cities won't be able to provide clean water to residents


  • Imagine a world without waste: it's possible with a circular economy



Book : Philippe ASSERAY (2010), "Récupérer et recycler l’eau : Bien l’utiliser sans la gaspiller" Éditions Rustica


Matilde HUBERT

Book : Patrick PHILIPON (2008), "La crise de l'eau" Éditions PERRIN


Alexandre CHIRON

Book : Roger CANS (2001), "La ruée vers l'eau" Éditions Folio Actuel –Le Monde Actuel


  • Natural resource Management in Transition settings UNDG-ECHA Guidance Note January 2013 Part 2. Analyzing Natural Resources in Transition Settings
  • Australia’s epic scheme to farm its northern wilds – Michael Slezak –10 july 2014 / New Scientist (London)
  • Les petites fuites font les grandes pollutions – Yue Jia Chen, Yu Qing – 12 december 2014 / Nanfang Zhoumo (Canton) / Courrier international n°1265
  • For Drinking Water in Drought, California Looks Warily to Sea – Justin Gillis – 11 april 2015 / The New York Times
  • Zu sauber zum Fischen – Jan Friedmann – 11 april 2015 / Der Spiegel (Hamburg)

Book : Key Concepts in Water Resource Management: A Review and Critical Evaluation by Jonathan Lautze (Editor)



Book : Jeremy RIFKIN, "La Troisième Révolution Industrielle" (2012) Éditions Les liens qui libèrent


Alexandre LY

Book : Navi RADJOU (2013) "L'innovation Jugaad: redevenons ingénieux!" Éditions Diateino


First description of our project[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

First description of our project's idea
Provide a proposition of title for your project

Rushower: shower efficiently, not differently, recycle water.

Please answer to the three expected questions:

1. What Problem do you want to solve ?

We would like to deal with water crisis. Today, wealthy countries have at their disposal a huge quantity of drinkable water. When we take a look at how many liters of water people take when showering (The 1999 OCDE Belgium study showed each Belgian citizen used 40 liters of drinkable water each day during his shower), whereas access to drinkable water is scarce in other countries. It is clear that access to water was, is and unfortunately will still be a major issue. According to a survey of “60 millions de consommateurs” published in March 2014, the waste of water would be considerable in France. Indeed, it was demonstrated that France lost 1 300 billion liters of water per year because of the leaks of pipes (source: However the waste of water in developed countries isn’t only due to failures of pipes but also to overconsumption of the populations. Besides, people and countries who have an easy access to water are considering it as a free and unlimited good. To this end, water overconsumption cannot be put aside.

2. Why does this problem exist?

The source of the problem is mainly about water waste through overuse in our developed countries. Indeed in the developed countries, we have the water resources and our industry is already developed. But people are short of water saving consciousness. For example in France, 137 liters of water are consumed by person everyday (source: There is also a problem about the French network of water which lose 20% of water distributed and represents a billion cubic meters of water leaks a year.

3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?

We are thinking of focusing on the most burning issue, which is how to use the lowest quantity of water, whether you have easy access to it (in order to not waste it), or whether you do not have an easy access to water (so that you can effectively and efficiently use water). The objective being set, we are thinking about something that would be accessible to anyone anywhere, that would reach and deeply affect the “daily water use routine” for ones, while providing the appropriate quantity of water for those in need. More precisely, we are highly thinking about a breakthrough in the water use cycle, that is a disruptive way or mean that will made us shrewdly rethink this cycle.

To do so, we are currently working on a new way to use water during showering. In other words, we aim to answer to these criteria:

  • An innovation at the best price, from the materials to the building ;
  • Made from sustainable components ;
  • Capable of reusing water in what we call a « recycling cycle » ;
  • Completly autonomous ;
  • Which will not change the way people shower, but their way of thinking about it.

What we call a « recycling cycle » is the main idea of our project. Basically, it means that a part of the water you use when showering will be immediately reused after a high-quality filtering integrated to the shower stall. Truth is, we have emailed several students from engineering schools, who have all answered and made us possible to downsize the scope of our project to its core : the shower stall and the « recycling cycle ». Moreover, we also contacted the company Veolia, and they enthusiasticaly answered by supporting our project and transfering it to a special department in order to help us… Stay tuned for further news !

Potential experts already identified
Please mention the potential experts (name, affiliation, likelihood to convince him/her to join the final panel)

  • N.DOUCET, student in thrid year at Arts et Métiers ParisTech : (likelihood: 4/5)
  • J.LANGE, student at INSA de Toulouse (likelihood 4/5)
  • The NGO "Eau et Vie" ( (likelihood to be determined, approx. 2.5/5)
  • P.LORAND, our contact at Veolia, has demonstrated great interrest in our project: (likelihood 5/5)

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