First assignment of group n° 074

De Movilab
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Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Edouard Chaix

Book : Book : MacDonald H. (2015) “H is for hawk”


Narimane Boujida

Book : American Journal of Sociology Vol. 20, No. 5, Mar 1915. Robert E.Park


Abir Azmi

Book : Heaven and Earth, Richard Long 2009


Hala Chentouf

Book : Braungart, M. and McDonough, W. (2013),The Upcycle: Beyond Sustainability -Designing for


Maya Ibraeva

Book : The Natural Step for Communities: How Cities and Towns can Change to Sustainable Practices, Sarah James, Torbjörn Lahti, 2004.


Raphaël Muckly

Book : Papanek; V. (2005), Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change, Second Revised Edition, Chicago Review Press


Matthieu Perrin

Book : Novel, AS et Riot, S. (2012), Vive la corévolution ! Pour une société collaborative, Editions Alternatives


First description of our project[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

First description of our project's idea

1. What Problem do you want to solve ?

Everyone would agree that Paris is a beautiful and charming city, which is why it is the first touristic destination in the world (32 million tourists in the Paris region in 2013). But this prestige comes with a lot of downturns: A humongous amount of trash.

So the first problem we are committed to solving is that of material pollution in the city of lights, by creating a self-sufficient project that can even attain the rather ambitious goal of reducing unemployment in Paris.

2. Why does this problem exist?

Paris is one the biggest cities in the world, with an area of 105 km², and a population of more than 2,5 million people, and an astonishing 12,5 million people working in the French capital, or who transit in it for professional purposes. Naturally, this enormous flux of individuals inevitably leaves behind a lot of waste: Going from paper, glass and plastics to food waste, wood and other types of garbage.

There is also an emerging crisis in the field of garbage collecting, as fewer people tend to choose this profession, and prefer simpler and less straining jobs.

Recycling culture is more and more popular in the city of Paris as there are many laws and decrees who intend to force people to put their trash in the right bin (European legislation and ‘Grenelle’ environment), but this practice isn’t as widespread as it should be, as many people do not feel obliged to abide by these laws, or even worse, simply throw their trash in the street.

3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?

With our project, any single person living in Paris can register online to be part of the cleaning army! It is simple and does not require the complicated administrative procedures that we are all too familiar with, when applying for any sort of job.

The remuneration will be proportionate with the amount of trash collected and resold to specialized companies, which will create an additional motivation to all workers.

Our project will be self-sufficient, and not relying on any external funds or financing during its lifetime, except on the launching money that we will count on you for, and we will be open for collaboration with any company or institution that would be interested in working with us, including the municipality of Paris.

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