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First assignment of group n° 057

De Movilab
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Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]


Book :Les économies d'énergie dans l'habitat existant Olivier David (Auteur) - Adeline Fabre (Auteur) - Paru en avril 2007 - Etude(broché)


Book : Consumer Durable Choice and the Demand for Electricity (Contributions to Economic Analysis)Jul 22, 2014 by J.A. Dubin



Book :"Consumer Behavior and Energy Policy: An International Perspective" By Eric Monnier; George Gaskell; Peter Ester; Bernward Joerges; Bruno LaPillonne; Cees Midden; Louis PuiseuxPraeger, 1986


Julien BURKI

Book : Chauffage électrique et isolation thermique comme un pro Thierry Gallauziaux - 1998

Oriane REIS

Book : Maîtriser la consommation d'énergie Bernard Laponche (Auteur) - Paru en février 2004 - Essai(broché)



Book :Philippe LEQUENNE,1997, Dans les coulisses de greenpeace, L'Harmattan


Clemence ZOUARI

Book : Materials and Sustainable Development Jan 28, 2015 by Michael F. Ashby


First description of our project[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

First description of our project's idea

How to heat houses with low energy consumption ?

1. What Problem do you want to solve ?

Today, we are all facing a huge problem. Electricity is more and more expansive, this resource, produced by humans is going to be more used is the next decades. A big problem faces us: does the planet is able to support the cost of this production? Using the earth’s natural resources to create always more electricity will probably deplete them, right?

So we need to reduce our consumption, it’s now up to us to find solutions to reduce electricity waste and therefore its production. Into household, 55% of energy consumption is comming from heating, the need is constant, despite all the efforts to decrease the electricity bill we can't avoid heating houses.

Thereby the problem we want to solve, is finding a way to heat houses; consuming less ressources, electric or none. In that way we will be able to reduce significally the general electric consumption.

2. Why does this problem exist?

The source of the problem

First of all, the population is increasing every day. By consequence, the electricity consumption is always growing. In addition to this, modern society becomes more and more dependant on the energy. Nowadays people tend to buy electric heaters instead of fuel heaters therefore increasing the development of electric heaters. Our consumption of electricity is increasing in our households.

The current state

The principal fuels used to produce electricity are coal and natural gas, which have an important impact on gas emissions and global warming. In the European Union, 67,5% of the electricity consumption comes from households, taking into account 44,1% of primary energy such as nuclear and windmill and on the other hand, 30% comes from petrol and 14,5% from gas. Thus, the electricity consumption in Europe has been subjected to a multiplication of 1,5 during the past 20 years.

The impact

We have to remind ourselves that electricity comes from exhaustible resources which will become rare as the process to replace them will take some time, contributing in part to the global warming and worrying pollution.

So today the goal is to find a solution to keep heating houses with low resource consumption.

3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating? This problem impacts most of people because heaters represents a big part in the world's electricity consumption. It's very important because each second more people use increasingly electricity.

Today some companies have created mobile application connected with electricity network of the house in order to control your household energy consumption , follow your consumption and try to reduce it. Unfortunatly nothing important have been done yet to work on reducing energy heater consumption. Solutions can't be found because not enough people are aware of this issue today. Now the time as come to take a stand.

One reachable criteria to reduce energy consumption in houses is to measure it precisely for each room of the house in order to that everyone has his own consumption and can work on it. Create a reference consumption for houses could allow to see a downward trend in this consumption.

When our group think about breakthrough, we can imagine about create a new material, new energy or a completly new way to heat houses.

Potential experts already identified
Please mention the potential experts (name, affiliation, likelihood to convince him/her to join the final panel)

Julian Taltavul, Architect, TEL: 0786922319

Denis Scheidel,Ingeneer,

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