First assignment of group n° 048
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First description of our project's idea
In which way can we make sustainable energy?
1. What Problem do you want to solve ?
Until 40 years ago, the term sustainable energy was used to be defined as availability to the rate of use. Nowadays, we have created advanced technology that gives us the opportunity to uphold 'sustainable' energy, such as; solar panel, wind energy, wave power, tidal power. However, this taken into consideration, in which other ways can we produce/help to diversify our sustainable energy production?
2. Why does this problem exist?
World’s natural resources are limited, which means that if we use them persistently, we will most likely exhaust them. According to latest articles, engineer specialists claims that natural resources like oil, coal, uranium, are predicted to run out in the nearest future. These resources are non-renewable materials, which are not sustainable for producing the amount of energy that is needed. The future does not solve by itself nor does the energy; we have to think about new innovative ways to remain our energy for the next upcoming generation. According to an article ( - worlds population), it is estimated that in 2050 the world’s population will be close to 9,7 billion people. With that being said, an uncertain future with many people and lack of natural resources- what if we could develop a way that the main source of energy would come from us, humans?
3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?
As mentioned earlier, we have renewable energy through water, wind, sun etc. Although, since the upcoming increasing population, we believe that an option for sustainable energy would be humans. We can gain/create a sustainable energy by using ourselves as resource.
Potential experts already identified
Adresse : BUREAU 271
Tel : 04 93 95 45 93
Afriat Philippe
Médecin du sport
Adresse : 2 rue Lujerneta Athos Palace, 98000 MONACO (PRINCIPAUTÉ DE)
Tel : 00 377 92 05 76 01
Eric Lecompte
Coach of the Basket ball team of Skema SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS
Adresse : 9 rue Émilie
06120 Juan les pins
Tel : 0609955091