First assignment of group n° 037

De Movilab
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First description of our project[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

First description of our project's idea

We're all extra-ordinary !

1. What Problem do you want to solve ?

Every year, 8000 autism babies are born in France. Moreover, 8 over 10 children affected by autism are not enrolled in school. Indeed, according to the Ministry of National Education, for 150 000 autistic children in France, “barely 20% are integrated into regular and mandatory schools, and around 30% are received in medico-educational institutes or hospitals.” Thus, over half of the working age autistic children are not taken in charge and are deprived of their rights. Without early screening and support, most of them will never be fully integrated into society.

Autism is defined as disorders characterized by varying degrees of development difficulties in social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication as well as restricted and repetitive behaviors. Children with autism, or other mental handicap, don’t learn as the other children, but as well as the others, they learn.

What we want to solve is the autistics integration issue in our educational system and society including equal access to education for these children with specific needs. The problem is not the illness itself, but what is generated from it. Therefore, we are willing to help children as well as educational and health staff by finding solutions on a social, educative and human point of view.

2. Why does this problem exist?

First of all, due to their cognitive disorders, it is quite hard for autistic children to be fully integrated into our regular educative system. This problem of integration exists because our behaviors and pedagogical supports are not completely adapted to their differences. Each one us and especially families and professionals (teachers, doctors, nurses) or even other “ordinary children” are not able enough to handle this “extra-ordinary” situation.

Furthermore, one the reasons of this marginalization is that the number of existing schools and centers dedicated to autism is not enough (around 500 in France). Besides, the lack of a true educative approach within specialized institutions is one of the causes of this low integration.

An adapted, early and individualized care would improved their social and communication skills and thereby their integration.

3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?

Our challenge is to make easier the autistic children integration, from their tender age, through the development of their social interaction, communication and adaptation to their environment.

In order to make this challenge successful, we need to develop adapted and innovative tools and ways of learning (such as interactive educational apps or drama class to work on their behaviors and communication skills for instance). It is also important to train and raise awareness of parents, educational and medical staff. People would become more understanding and would develop a now-how and know-how-to-be to manage this situation.

In a long-term vision, autistics have to be successfully integrated in regular schools and in our society in France and worldwide.

Therefore, our criteria of success will be based on a school integration rate of more than 5 children over 10 in five years (instead of 2 over 10 currently). The creation of 10 new care centers over the next five years would be a sign of progress. Also, the creation of structured, individual and upgraded educational supports enabling children to adjust in their surrounding environment and live better with their disabilities would be a success. Finding a way to compensate their handicap is as mush important as giving the possibility to parents and professionals of monitoring the progress of children. This goes along with the well-being and satisfaction criteria (harder to measure but very relevant and crucial) from the children on one hand - they will have to be more happy, more smiling, more communicative, more socialized with the other children - and from the parents on the other hand, they will have to be satisfied of the “educative experience” of their children, they would be able to see their progress, (with the help of speech therapist or pediatric neurologist) and the relationship parents-children has to be better.

We are expecting innovative and efficient solutions to make this project, truly important to us, a success.

Potential experts already identified

M'Hammed Sajidi, Président de l'association Vaincre l'autisme (8/10)

Bénévoles de SOS Autisme France (9/10)

Gaêle Regnault, LearnEnjoy General Manager and parent of a autistic child (9/10)

Noemie Gréau, Speech Therapist (8/10)

Philippe Gréau, Sport & Health Specialist (8/10)

Autism Specialists, IME Les Glycines, Saint-Germain-en-Laye (8/10)

Docteur Gérard, Pediatric Neurologist, Hopital Robert Debre (8/10)

Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Joanna PHAM

Book : Cahiers de l'USE n°20 - Handicaps, Sport, Intégration Le défi des clubs



Book : Gérer le quotidien des personnes en situation de handicap (2005) - Pascal Boes


Alessandro FORLINI

Book : Autism Solutions: How to Create a Healthy and Meaningful Life for Your Child - Ricki G. Robinson - 2011



Book : Treating Children With Autism - Eric J. Lund & Chris VanDyke


Claire GREAU

Book : Dossier "Quoi de neuf sur l'autisme" - Yves Tillet - Société des Neurosciences - 2012



Book : Vous reprendrez bien un peu de pesticide ? - Gérard Pouradier - L'Archipel - 2010


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