First assignment of group n° 034

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Resources used by the team

Group 34
Lindsay Thao

Book : Marie Claire Javoy, (2014), « Sur le chemin de l’école »


Julie Sabran

Book : Malala Yousafzai, (2013), « Moi, Malala, je luttre pour l’éducation et je résiste aux talibans. »


Julie Praizelin

Book : Magloire Kede Onana, (2007), "Le droit à l'éducation en Afrique : Enjeux et perspectives à l'ère de la mondialisation"


Adélaïde Szymczak

Book : Phillipe Meirieu, Marc Guiraud, (1997), "L’école ou la guerre civile ?" Ed. Broché


Jennifer Assogba

Book : From Social Assistance to Social Development: Targeted Education Subsidies in Developing Countries Preface and Aknowledgements: Text:


Ruben Marx

Book : Arye L. Hillman, Eva Jenkner, International Monetary Fund, (2004), “Educating Children in Poor Countries”


Edouard Patou

Book : Myriam Dahman, Nicolas Digard, (2015), Les chemins de l'école. Francklyn - Madagascar, Broché


First description of our project

First description of our project's idea
Title of your project

1. What Problem do you want to solve ?

We would like to tackle difficulties some children face on their way to school. In certain isolated countries, children have to walk during hours on dangerous paths where wild animals are living. Some others have to cross or walk under unsafe bridges. It is a brank to education. Due to that, parents prefer to keep their children at home to be sure of their safety. However, some children are ready to overcome obstacles to reach their school. That's the reason why we shouldn't let them risk their lives just because they want better chances.

2. Why does this problem exist?

Free access to education is a recent thing in developing countries. People are aware of the importance of going to school. It remains the only opportunity to have better life's conditions. Nevertheless, states' indifference and a lack of resources are at the origin of the problem. Landscapes are wild, and unfortunately too hard to exploit.

3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?

We intend to fundraise in order to create transportation facilities, new roads, and implement infrastructures. We also envision to set up [groupement scolaire] in the way “Blablacar” works so that parents or people employed for, will drive alternately? children to school

Potential experts already identified
Please mention the potential experts (name, affiliation, likelihood to convince him/her to join the final panel)

<a href="/index.php?title=SKEMA_BS_:_Sustainable_Performance_-_M1_-_2015-2016" title="SKEMA BS : Sustainable Performance - M1 - 2015-2016">Homepage of the course</a>

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