First assignment of group n° 023

De Movilab
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First description of our project[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Housecologically possible

1. What Problem do you want to solve ?

In the middle of this century, two of the three people will live in the city. This situation will create problems and new challenges in terms of energy, planning and environment. Cities are attractive because they offer more opportunities, more development platforms, a fair competitive environment and cultural diversity. By 2025 the planet will have 37 megalopolises, each will have a population of over 10 million inhabitants. In addition, large global megacities, which now occupy 2% of the Earth's surface, consume three quarters of the energy produced by the planet and emit 80% CO2. Therefore, responding to a growing demand for housing. Demand being stronger supply, rents are extremely expensive in large cities. It is therefore necessary to respond to a growing need for housing non-polluting.

2. Why does this problem exist?

The impact that we, humans, have on the environment is huge and harmful. This is mainly due to our massive consumption of non-reusable resources and of our everyday behavior (food waste, water waste, electricity waste). Thus, we destroy the nature in order to satisfy our needs. But as you know, the population worldwide increases, thanks to the progress of medicine, so our needs increases too. Indeed, every human being need a house to feel secured but since the demand of housing increases while the offer stays stable, the cost of a house is currently high and unaffordable for some people. That’s why some of us are living in slums. Moreover, building a house, as small as it could be, needs a lot of resources and once build, it invades the nature and it impedes it to develop itself. Let just take the example of wood used to construct houses : it encourages even more deforestation and the extinction of certain animal species. One important point is that 80% of deforestation is made to clear land for agriculture and farming since the population is growing and so does the demand of food. It all becomes a vicious circle.

3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?

Our team is committed to create a tiny and functional house which features a compostable toilets. By using sustainable materials which are biodegradable, resistant, inexpensive and rapidly renewable, we will provide a comfortable house which is resistant to natural disasters such as flooding or earthquake, and adaptable to every latitude. Our environmental friendly house will not cost more than $15 000 to produce and can be built easily, even by a novice in house building. Our house will be well-isolated thanks to the use of adequate materials that are highly durable. By using abundant and natural materials, this house will leave zero impact on the environment

Potential experts already identified

  • Mr Adile Jalal Mansou, Architect, Very likely
  • Mr Nguyen Hoang Truong, Senior Structural Engineer in FLSmidth, Likely
  • Ms Hody Isabelle, Architect and expert in ecologic constructions, Likely
  • Ms and Mr Doucet Florence and Jean-François, Experts in sustainable material, Likely
  • Mr Ronan Cassin, Expert in sustainable materials, Likely

Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]


Book :

  • [Biomimétisme: Quand la nature inspire des innovations durables, Janine M. Benyus]



Book :

  • Vivre en dignité au XXIe siècle - Pauvreté et inégalité dans les sociétés de droits humains: le paradoxe des démocraties (2013)



Book :

  • Braungart, M. et McDonough, W. (2011), Cradle to cradle: Créer et recycler à l'infini, Edition Alternatives


NGUYEN Trong Cuong

Book :

  • Sustainable Happiness : Live Simply, Live Well, Make a Difference, Van Gelder Sarah


ROS Sylvie

Book :

  • The answers : sustainability How can you learn to live more sustainably, Zoe Robinson


BOTON Raissa

Book :

  • Maison basse consommation (BBC), Vu Brigitte, Eyrolles, 2010


BARON Emmanuel


Book :

  • - Vers une nouvelle révolution énergétique ?, Rabourdin Sabine, Le Cavalier Bleu éditions,2011


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