First assignment of group n° 011

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Resources used by the team[modifier | modifier le wikicode]


Book : Nairobi, Kenya. (March, 2010), Clearing the Waters: A focus on water quality solutions


LAMIA Federica

Book : William Lauer, Home Water Treatment: A Guide for Everyone eBook



Book : Kerry J. Howe & David W. Hand. (Nov 6. 2012), Principles of Water Treatment


LU Hao

Book : Curtis McLamb. (Feb.10 2004), Greywater the next wave


LIAO Ruihai

Book : Kostas Demadis. (2012), Water Treatment Processes


ZUNINO Alexandre

Book : Ulrich Holst. (JANVIER 2007), Purifier et dynamiser votre eau


LI Tianyang

Book : American Water Works Association (AWWA), American Society of Civil Engineers. (31st July 2012), Water Treatment Plant Design


First description of our project[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

1. What Problem do you want to solve ?

We humans are in a planet with belief that resources provided by nature are in abundance. But we have to understand that the nature productivity could be reduced by growth in human rate “With growth in population there is also growth in need” and also by non-degradable wastes. Depleting the available resources will put the coming generations in scarcity.

In this time, we have formed to formulate a method to reduce the waste of resource by using other waste concerning both the environmental and economical factors.

2. Why does this problem exist?

The creator of problem in the world is human. In fact we see that the population is increasing very fast in contrary to our resources. In 2050 the world is expected to house 11 billion people. How can we guarantee to the future generation good conditions of life and access to resources as we do.

In Earth we find many wastes but the most two important things that drew my attention were “Wastewater” and “Waste human hair”.

Human hair is considered as waste material in most parts of the world and its accumulation causes many environmental problems. Despite using waste human hair in testing medicines for hair products, and for other research purposes could not reduce its accumulation and also could not be destroyed due to its high toxic content.

The other problem we address on is about “water scarcity”. Water has been important for people for thousands of years. Without water there would be no life on earth. Water plays a vital role in human daily routine. We use water in our houses for cooking, bathing, washing, cleaning the dishes. Industries and factories also use water. Water is a finite resource and only 3% of fresh water is left accessible for human use. Competition for water poses risk to the economy, communities and ecosystems they rely on. Water scarcity, on the other hand, occurs when demand for water exceeds the available sustainable resources. This problem exists because we are now living in a consumer society. The resources are used and wasted and nobody is thinking about the future and the consequences of their acts. This problem exists because as I said before there is more and more people on this planet and if we don’t find another way to use water there will be a big crisis in the future.

3. What breakthrough are you commited to creating?

The breakthrough we are committed to create from this project is based on the following three factors (i) Economical (ii) Environmental (iii) Social.


Our aim is to reduce the consumption of water usage and to provide a water filter and purifier system compatible to fit with both the apartments and in individual households levels. We are able to provide to public, an alternate to septic system that stores the wastewater we drain out after using for daily routines. Those stored wastewater will be recycled and purified by each inbuilt purifier system and let for the reuse again.


Through this process, paying tax for consumption of water from public pipe is reduced which will be economical to the household members. Will slow down the depletion of fresh water level and save the resources for next generation.


On social factor, the nations stand on water losses is also reduced

According to a report by the Association of Private Water Companies in France (FP2E), water losses stood at 19% of water production in 2010, up from 18% in 2008. According to a study commissioned by the German water industry association BGW water losses in the distribution network in France have been estimated at an average 26 percent, compared to only 7 percent in Germany, 19 percent in England/Wales and 29 percent in Italy.

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